Get the title correct please. It was an Air Combat Force. Then have a good read around and figure out that it is not an invasion force per se but other things such as maritime strike, some air defence, ground attack and other taskings as required. Secondly, whilst I have said "not an invasion force per se" the possibility always exists. How probable that possibility is varies from time to time. Thirdly, we do have treaty obligations as well. Fourthly, the world especially in the Asia Pacific region is not benign, no matter what the pollies and the trendy lefties reckon. Fifthly, NZ is a maritime island nation; the most isolated nation on the planet that depends upon maritime shipping for 99.4% of all of it's exports and imports. We do not have our own international shipping line so are dependant totally upon foreign shipping companies, so have a good think about what would happen to NZ Inc if those shipping services were seriously impaired with or even halted. These are our SLOC - if we lose those we are well and truly up the proverbial creek. Last of all, Joe does have quite a valid point, NZ is bludging off the ADF defence wise because our pollies are being to narrow minded and stingy.