Well Sturm..I then come back to the initital problem..SHORAD..With less than 8 km range..those missiles most likely on present battle situation facing low flying target like helicopter or UAV..or COIN Fighther at most..but not modern fast jets fighters..
Those modern Fighthers most likely already launch their attack way outside those SHORAD range. For that, why bother to have 2 sets of tracking..or more than 2 kind of SHORAD..like the situation facing TNI-AD..
With that limitation SHORAD then only capable to provide direct field air cover to mobile battlefield unit. Thus providing easy and uniform logistics is essential in my opinion. In such you need 'as much' uniform missiles platform as possible. Getting 4 missiles SHORAD systems with 2 different set trackers (thus different set of operational charateristics)..is counter productive for a mobile battle field units.
In such, some of the thingking (at least officialy) that those SHORAD being used as air defense for fixed strtaegic sites..also not in line with reality of current modern batlle field environment...
Well again this is just my perplexed 'two cents' on the way of thingking in Indonesian Army..rather then offcial statement of more effective and efficient procurement practise based on direct users need..the reality their still pursue this multiple systems for SHORAD..say otherwise..
Rathers then save those limited and valuable budget to just focus on one (or two at max) systems of SHORAD..and used the budget to get longer range SAM..they (in my opinion) wasted that on additional SHORAD system..
More woringly..the most likely winner on Presidential Races..comes from Opposition that historically have different 'taste' of equipment sources..Well then it can goes another round of waste procurement...
I might be pesimistic at this moment on continue rationality for defence equipment procurement (despite some improvement on accountability in procurement practises the present administration already shown)..Will see if the 'old' Indonesian waste practices still there to continue in the next administration..
Looking on the historical practises of the Opposition (which more likely will come as next administration)..I'm not high in hoping..I could be wrong though..
International world seems put high remark for Indonesian next likely President..but for me considering which party he's coming from..and their track record when they are in the power..not really put much confidence in me.