My question is for what role and for what capability are you buying the armed Texan 2C, if its to help train our JTACs then it cheaper to send them off seas to qualify either in Hawaii or main land USA if its to train pilots for the role that the A4K used to do then again send them off to Australia etc.
NZDF has admitted that it has lost that capability for good and to resurrect the ACF will at least take well over ten+ years to get to BLOC and put a major strain on the current budget for no reasonable gain. I would love for NZ to have a ACF back but it is now beyond our means to ever afford 4+ gen aircraft far better to preserve what's left and to ensure the current capability is enhanced and is not lost due to in fighting within the NZDF.
I have to admit until recently I too thought that whatever advanced trainer was purchased, it should be setup for weapons training - for JTAC training etc. However I do now grasp the fact that it would be more effective to send the JTACs overseas to train on the real thing rather than locally on a half-arsed equivalent.
Nice as it would be to arm the T6C, I’d agree there really isn’t a role for it. I had also thought about the light-attack / COIN type role but there just doesn’t seem the need for that in NZ.
I don’t know whether there’s any value in occasionally dropping a few dumb bombs and/or rockets near the Army when on manoeuvres to help make their training more realistic – do the Army do/need any ‘familiarisation with aircraft’ training (eg: camouflaging technique etc)? That’s about the only thing I can see an armed T6C being useful for in the RNZAF context.
Anyway to be honest I think we’ll find that even with the 2 x simulators that doing both basic & advanced courses with the one fleet will see the T6C nicely busy, with little scope to take on other roles. Also I wonder if civvy maintenance teams would be allowed to ‘work’ in & around armed aircraft!?!
Random thought - I wonder if the advanced trainees will do there ‘long-range Nav’ flights in the T6C (+ wing tanks?) or whether 42Sqn will do this as part of the MEPT!?!
I’ve heard comments liking the T6C purchase to a ‘big yawn’ – it’s just a trainer! I don’t think that’s the case at all. Firstly these aircraft are the show-ponies, the ones the public see at air-shows etc doing formation aeros etc. Often it’ll be the public’s first exposure to the RNZAF, and mark my words, the T6C will give a bloody good display – which leaves a positive impression and therefore I wouldn’t under-estimate their PR / recruitment appeal.
Then there’s internal RNZAF attitudes. Yes 3,5,6, & 40 sqn’s will have little to do with them on a daily basis, but eventually a lot of line pilots will be mostly ex-T6C trained & I’m fairly certain those pilots will look back at their training time as quite exhilarating & enjoyable – they’ll retain a soft-spot for the T6C thru their careers & that’s a positive. I bet you’ll eventually see a number of pilots quite keen to become QFI’s on 14sqn!
Then there’s the sales pitch, if you believe it, the T6C is apparently going to result in a better calibre pilot (don’t shoot the messenger, that’s basically the way the T6C has been sold to Govt!). If this is so, then the whole RNZAF will benefit!
Anyway back to armed T6C’s, whilst I agree there is little point in doing this, I still think the Army/RNZAF should look to develop a light-armed recon role for the AW109. I’m thinking of low end, South Pacific type ops where NZDF is likely to operate fairly independently at a tactical level (eg: think East Timor) – which is AFAIK the type of operation considered more likely for the JATF.
I don’t think we’d ever see the need for an anti-tank chopper on these ops, if we did the Aussies would probably deploy Tigers. But where infantry are chasing gun-toting insurgents (think East Timor again!) an AW109 overhead with a combo-gun/rocket pod, plus 1 x MAG58 & operator (if the a/c can carry weight of both at once!?!) would be a fairly cheap, but quite effective little deterrent.
The key is that we already have the aircraft (do need the extra 3 as suggested!) & the armed-recon config is low-key & therefore more affordable and can be provided with fairly limited extra work. The other point is being a chopper it is probably easier to deploy (ship-borne) into the South Pacific, and doesn’t need formed air-strips that a fleet of armed T6C’s would.
But I’m not holding my breath on there ever being such a role for the AW109!