On another forum (Kiwi aviation one) Putin has been labelled a despotic dictator, much like Hitler, but more to the point the post there compared the Crimean situation to the Sudatenland annexation in 1938 and the subsequent Nazi invasion of the rest of Czechoslovakia which eventually led to WW2; which raises an important point, there could be historical similarities here, could this crisis end up leading to another long European war?They seem to be using lots, and lots of flashbangs to get the Ukrainians to give up ground. At least that's what has been reported so far. I'm guessing there's some pretty strict instructions to avoid using lethal force.
I thought maybe returning the Crimea to Russia would've resolved the situation somewhat, but after reading the I am wondering if that would be the correct solution and as mentioned above a historical precedent exists. Putin has stated that he wants to restore the Russian empire to something like it was in the days of the USSR. Federalising the Ukraine maybe another solution but I believe the divisions are to great for that. I feel that the Ukraine is going to split in a Russian part and a European looking part. I fear that it will not be a peaceful split and the ramifications will be very widespread.