@Ananda: Yes, we have to admit that there is a mismanagement happening in many of our state owned company, and many of them right now has also tried to change that old culture also. For example, what happens in Mandiri Bank, Garuda, Sement Gresik can be lessons that Indonesia state owned company is going forward, and they becomes better due to better leaders.
IPTN (PT Dirgantara (its new name) is also doing the same overhaul in management, thats why our government put PINDAD person as IPTN leader now, Trying to put more industrialist mindset people than just a very clever and ambitious engineer (Habibie) on the top of the management. But, btw, ambitious one is still needed to make a solid platform and some confidence to the young engineers, and Indonesia has finished in this stage (making our engineers believe that we can make sophisticated aircraft (that is true by seeing N-250 really flies with the best technology in the world in its level on it).
Despite its old culture, something to proud of having a state owned company in defense is that it is not just a local private company that might be just created to get the demand on some particular country, but is actually owned by western (Israel) industries people.
In term of IPTN recent financial status, I think you should know that it is already in positive one, as our government has taken over IPTN debt already in 2011, and in 2009 it starts to make profit. If it is not good, so why EADS has made some cooperation with IPTN, just like ordering components for Airbus 380, making Cougar Helicopter (under license), and also another company just like Bell (helicopter license). And if EADS wins F-X jet fighter program in South Korea, it will be the other 20 percent participants on KFX/IFX jet fighter (as it has promised on the project tender) beside Indonesia, and it can be a good news for Indonesia since EADS and IPTN has already got a good partnership to one another.
IPTN is going forward now because it has made some major investment to change some old infrastructure on its engineering process line. It also tries to develop more new engineers by building another new aircraft (N-219), and make a center consisting of 100 engineers to absorb and develop what has been done in KFX/IFX first phase project with ended last year. Including developing young engineers for jet fighter project, as it is needed to continue IFX program after IFX/KFX block one is ready to service. It is not easy to make fresh engineers form campus to be an expert in their field, so Singapore has to get at least 30 years to match what our engineers has done in aerospace industry (since we have made CN 235 since 80's)
And not forgetting about the importance of steel company for any defence product......Indonesia has Krakatau Steel, and has also made a joint cooperation with POSCO by building a new big steel factory in Indonesia, I think it is already operating now...... I dont know whether Singapore has a big steel company yet ???
What is lack in Indonesia defence industry is management and marketing orientation (that we have already started to change with some positive result already there ), but in term of the engineers capability, we are still much better than Singaporean. But I do believe that the culture (in management) will be going to be much much better as we have spread many good leaders to our defense companies, and our State Owned Ministry is also a real entrepreneur (Dahlan Iskan) and a clean one as well, and for sure, knows already what the problems are.