@Gadjah Mada
I do agree on some of your argument on this thing, even though you also have to understand that most of the high tech research in Indonesia is conducted by BPPT and LAPAN ,which are not defence companies at all, but the research are really passing through our state owned defense companies. For instant, in designing N 219, some parts and engineering process are done and helped by both LAPAN infrastructure and engineers. It was also happening in our UAV that will be mass produced by IPTN this year.
I dont know whether you are actual engineers or not, but actually in term of bachelor graduates, I dont think that our graduates are lacking, you have to talk to some engineers that are graduated in Indonesia and working overseas to understand about this. Even, many UI graduates can work directly in US as engineer, even though they are actually fresh graduates ( real experiences in telecommunication sectors).
And in term of Phd level, we sent many of our engineers to Germany and Japan. I think remote sensing development in Japan is helped by Indonesians. And the biggest UAV ever built in Asia is actually made by Indonesian engineers team in Japan remote sensing research centre (I forget the university)
In PLN for instand, you will understand that many consultants from foreign countries that help PLN engineers are actually not better than our engineers, they are just more confident because their English is much better during the meeting session.
In some field, maybe Singapore is more advance, but in some other fields dont. And in defense industry sector, this is also the evidence. PAL and PINDAD are less developed than ST, maybe right, but the lacking in our side is not to big at those particular product. Within 5 years from now, I believe we can match or even exceed them, since the defence industry progress is also tied into the budget on the military and our budget is quite ambitious until 2019 (along with our new military procurement regulation that favors domestic defense industry). And if you notice what we are going to produce within 5 years from now, including submarine, medium tank, and missile (the missile (RX-420 based) test in this year 2013, along with RX-520 test ). And those ambitious plan are backed and rationalized by our economy progress so far.
Talking about the other field, like in aerospace (including plane, remote sensing, satellite, and rocket/missile development) we are much more advanced. But I do agree that much more money still should be put to make sure our fast progress in this particular field.
And talking about N-250, it is not failed, the design is there already, and the plane has so far taken 200 hour flight tes already. The plan is to use N-250 as a base for making N-270, and the prototype, based on our ministry words, will be launched in 2017, after the lauch of N-219 and N-235 NG protitype, respectively in 2014, and 2015.
And for sure N-213 is not failed either, as we have already made the final design of that plane (we almost sell the design to China to feed IPTN finacial bleeding in the beginning of 2000) , we just need more money to start manufacturing process that maybe will be around 1 year to complete. But this process will not be started until its feasibility in term of its economical can be really justified. And of course, we have to focus first on several project that hasnt been completed yet
I do agree that we have to help many of our entrepreneurs there who are trying to make more components to feed our market demand as @ Ananda mentioned earlier. In this regard, based on @Ananda concern, I hope our defense industry CEO would go to the tender process and really prioritize our local supplier (maybe with some help financially), just like Jokowi "blusukan" approach maybe

And in term of Krakatau Steel data that you mentioned before, I am sure that the out put will be double (if I am not mistaken) in 2014 as a big new steel factory (joint with POSCO) will be operated next year (starting around June the factory is completed already, but still needs another 5-6 months for heating process.)
Yupe, for fuel subsidy, I think we have taken better policy now, and gradually I think that it will not be in our budget anymore, as politicians and people are becoming wiser on this issue (seeing what happened in our recent fuel hike moment).
But even though mostly our people are less educated (event though has much better litteracy rate compare to India and event China( around 90 percents ), we are still much much better crowd than Egyptian that can not even hold in their own first phase democracy.
And our democracy is actually the best and much more vibrant among South East Asia countries (including Singapore), and this can not be debated anymore since the proof is already there. But, of course, the process in our democracy still needs more efforts to get better. And interm of eradicating corruption, I think we are making progress with KPK. And KPK is actually working, so they are so many politicians that can be jailed, and it is a positive sign.
I dont know how old are you ? But I am young person, and I am so optimistic about our beloved Indonesia. Old Indonesian guy are usually less optimistic and less confident either (subconsciousness problem I think
