I've been having a long and hard think about NZ and the P8. Two things come to mind; cost and aircraft numbers. The P8 is designed to be used in conjunction with a BAMS UAV which in themselves are as expensive or more expensive as the P8. Therefore that creates a very large affordability issue for NZDF and the NZG. This then reduces numbers of that platform(s) that will be acquired if it is acquired. In past posts Mr C has been very adamant that the P8 is the only MPA aircraft to replace the P3K2s because of the capabilities that it offers. But my question now is the P8 platform a capability that realistically NZDF can operate and sustain? How many do they purchase? Three, four, five? Realistically we would not see a one for one replace of the P3K2s with the P8 purely on costs. If we buy less say three then we have a reduced capability compared to what we had before numbers wise.
Is the Boeing MSA going to be the right platform to deliver the capability that the NZG and NZDF require?
Well I think that we'd have to add weapons.
If it is decided to acquire the proposed Boeing MSA what do we lose capability wise? It's not much point having all the gee whiz stuff to find the bad boys and then have nothing to deal to them with. Then I question do we actually need SLAM-ER for ASuW considering we would be after maritime targets? At present we have acquired 100 AGM-119 Penguin missiles which I admit are at max medium range missiles. Maybe the Harpoon would be better. However at US$1.2 million per unit (BlockII)
The US Navy -- Fact File: Harpoon Missile the Cabinet would have a collective coronary.
What is so good about the P8? A couple on the forum here know and I am aware Kiwis do not because we haven't bought into the program. But we can surmise generally. We are aware that it doesn't use a MAD which I understand is because it's designed to operate from high altitude. What has been said in the open arena is that it has a detector for fumes from diesel subs, but lots of other craft use diesel as well. Maybe it has a graviometer which could be sensitive enough. I would also presume that it has a very comprehensive computing, networking and comms suite probably along similar lines to that of the F35. The ISR component is really attractive to the NZG and again I would presume that it would have a comprehensive elint suit as well.
I would suggest that similar capabilities could be obtained in a cheaper platform which can operate at low level and I would not discount the SC130J Sea Hercules so readily
SC130 Sea Herc. If an ISR, elint computing, networking & comms suite were added it may offer us capabilities similar to the P8 without the expense even if we had to buy the added components elsewhere. We've already done it with Project Kestrel which replaced Project Sirius. It is certainly worth a thought and may offer us a one for one replacement of the Orions.
Because of decisons made by previous NZGs starting in the late 1970s, and NZDF has been, and still is facing block obsolescence that is proving detrimetal to NZDF capability. In 1998 Cabinet had proposals for the third ANZAC frigate, the F16 lease and the M113 APC replacement. All very expensive items on their own but previous decisons to put off equipment replacements lead to this dillema. Also service and bueraucratic politics appear to have played a major part with the RNZAF winning round one and the RNZN and NZ Army losing out. But when there was a change of govt in 1998 and a review of Defence procurements ordered, the Army won with the other two services losing out. There were accusations of mid level and senior Army officers waging a campaign that some called plotting and sedition. But in the long term everybody lost even if the NZ Army don't see it that way
Timing is Everything - ANU E Press - ANU.
This is where my concern is now, in that when the Orions are due to be replaced, the FFHs will be close to being replaced and the RNZN will not want to lose the frigate capability, which they have been close to already. Therefore will we have a repeat of the 1998 - 2001 era with two platforms lost in order to gain one (albeit badly needed)? That's another issue for another time - will we be able to afford frigates?