The key to this is still going to be who will be the next US President - assuming that the election falls within the 2355 scenario
I would disspute that regardless of what party is in power the united states will act in what is the best intrests of the united stats. At this point in time its hard to see how war with iran will serve amarican intrests do to the costs and uncertintes such a war would bring in all areas, politcs both domestic and international, economic aswell as millitarly
I agree the with strum that israel is softning its retoric as its becoming clear the us is not suportive of another war in the mideast let alone one with iran. it is possiable its just a calm before a attack from isreal but that is quite unlikly such a risk for isreal would mean they need strong evidence to act on and if they had that evidence you can be shure they would be showing it to the united states
I think a question that must be asked at this point is what are isreals chances of sucsess if they do attempt to strike iran by themselfs and more importently is isreal capable of a sustaing air campain agianst iran
I have no doubt that isreal can performe a single series of strikes and even negotiat to have usable airspace for follow up attacks. But is the irainain air defence stronge enuff to prevent isreal from a sustained campain, i have a hard time seing isreal coping with the low to moderiat attrition rates iran could inflict once the eliment of suprize is gone
Aswell once commited if the u.s decides not to engage (unlikely but it must be conciterd) how does isreal put a end to the operation if its unable to destroy the fortified facilitys and losses start to mount aswell as anger from the rest of the m.e
not to mention the rockets and morters that would be shure to follow