Australia really needs a carrier. Even if we use our LHD's as harrier carriers or using F-35B's. All of these countries have at least one, INDIA, CHINA, America, Brazil, France, Russia, THAILAND and Spain. The countries with carriers in the pacific our area are in capitals. With India getting 2 more carriers and China getting more in the future. People say that carriers are too expensive but they are not. Just look at Thailands carrier. It is only 11,000 tons and it only costed 336 million (US dollar) to obtain. Thats about triple Larges Bay. It can also carry about 16 jets and helicopters. When people think carrier they think fleet carrier or light carrier, why not escort carrier. Its crew is a little more than 450 officers, aircrew and sailers. That wouldn't cost that much to train all of those men and buy all of the aircraft. We only got a carrier in the past because of experience in ww2. Now people think that things have changed. Yes, but they have changed for the worse of Australia.
Ok where to start.....
The actual platform need not be that expensive (by the way are you talking $336million US in 1995 or 2011 a very big difference) however the airgroup will be extremely expensive. Add the platform cost to the airgroup cost and then throw in the training overhead for starting from scratch and the figure will be somewhat horrific
If you have an existing capability i.e. a carrier and a fleet air arm, then it is worth while spending to maintain it. You just make sure you never need to replace your platfom and entire FAA at the same time (which is one of the things that killed the Melbourne replacement). You upgrade your existing carrier and buy new fighters, a few years down the track you replace your ASW helos, further down the track you replace your carrier with a new one that operates your existing aircraft so on so forth...
Right now we are in the process of building AEGIS destroyers, LHDs and upgrading our frigate force. This is a huge undertaking in any terms but specifically the training load on the RAN is phenomenal even without taking retention issues into account. The logistics involved in the RAN going for a fixed wing FAA at this time, even if there was the political will and budget, will be a killer, we just wouldn't beable to get the trained crews together or up to scatch for possibly decades.
As for using our LHDs to operate a small number of F-35Bs, it is very unlikely that our ships could even be modified, at this late stage of construction, to do any more than be a platform for deck operation, take off and landing training. They do not have the fuel bunkerage or magazine capacity to operate fixed wing combat aircraft, they do not have the workshops, tool/supply/spares stores to support these aircraft. It is as simple as that.
Aircraft carriers can be used as LPHs because they are more sophisticated and more capable (in terms of operating aircraft) than they need to be to carry out the role. It doesn’t work the other way around, and LPH/LHD lacks the minimum sophistication and capability required to operate fixed wing combat aircraft. The USN Wasp class are an exception to this but they are 33% larger than our LHDs and specifically designed to do so.