Royal Australian Navy Discussions and Updates

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Whilst we are all talking about ADF deploying off shore and capabilities, it appears another coup in the Pacific this time in PNG Rumours of a mutiny in the PNG army | The Courier-Mail Early hours and it can go any way but the people in Canberra, Wellington and Washington will be looking at options. I would suggest that this one has potential to cuse far more problems because you have to factor in the Indonesian occupation of Iryian Jaya.

Abraham Gubler

Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
I should add that personally I believe there is justification for a carrier capability in the RAN and that I also believe we should have had a more substantial capability in this area that we have ever had and earlier as well. The issue is I can not see any of the alternative governments available in Canberra providing the necessary direction and funding.
I agree with you. In pointing out the capabilities of a carrier I do so just to try and dampen down some of the enthusiastic 'we don't need a carrier' arguments. The minimum carrier capability would be a ~20,000 tonne ship, two additional AORs fleet train (three in total), 24 strike fighters, 12 lead in fighter trainers, 16 additional ASW helos and a naval AEW&C capability, 2000 more sailors and 1000 more naval airmen. The cost of that in addition to the current RAN but minus the SM6 and surface ship LACM capability it could displace is quite extensive.

As to what is worth trading off for this it’s not really possible. It would have to be an addition to the funding level. Of course reigning in the inefficient cost of current defence capability (half of the defence budget goes on admin costs) and the submarines 7 or 9 to 12 would easily pay for it plus more bang for the Army and RAAF. But like Volkodav says there is no Government or alternative Government in Australia likely to do that.


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Can MH-60R give RAN a limited AEW capability, is the airframe even capable of being adapted to this role?

Even tho we don’t have any fast jet onboard surface ships would an AEW helicopter come in handy for the LHD to extend the area radar coverage of the Hobart class AWD?


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I agree with you. In pointing out the capabilities of a carrier I do so just to try and dampen down some of the enthusiastic 'we don't need a carrier' arguments. The minimum carrier capability would be a ~20,000 tonne ship, two additional AORs fleet train (three in total), 24 strike fighters, 12 lead in fighter trainers, 16 additional ASW helos and a naval AEW&C capability, 2000 more sailors and 1000 more naval airmen. The cost of that in addition to the current RAN but minus the SM6 and surface ship LACM capability it could displace is quite extensive.

As to what is worth trading off for this it’s not really possible. It would have to be an addition to the funding level. Of course reigning in the inefficient cost of current defence capability (half of the defence budget goes on admin costs) and the submarines 7 or 9 to 12 would easily pay for it plus more bang for the Army and RAAF. But like Volkodav says there is no Government or alternative Government in Australia likely to do that.
I have to say I agree 100%. We could skimp on some of the costs using other structures and work on building capability only but, as noted, the costs are not to be sneezed at....... and have little support in the current climate.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
I agree with you. In pointing out the capabilities of a carrier I do so just to try and dampen down some of the enthusiastic 'we don't need a carrier' arguments. The minimum carrier capability would be a ~20,000 tonne ship, two additional AORs fleet train (three in total), 24 strike fighters, 12 lead in fighter trainers, 16 additional ASW helos and a naval AEW&C capability, 2000 more sailors and 1000 more naval airmen. The cost of that in addition to the current RAN but minus the SM6 and surface ship LACM capability it could displace is quite extensive.

As to what is worth trading off for this it’s not really possible. It would have to be an addition to the funding level. Of course reigning in the inefficient cost of current defence capability (half of the defence budget goes on admin costs) and the submarines 7 or 9 to 12 would easily pay for it plus more bang for the Army and RAAF. But like Volkodav says there is no Government or alternative Government in Australia likely to do that.
Thinking on the carrier thing it really is too bad the UK offered Australia HMS Invincible in the first place. While the carrier replacement program dragged on for far too long it was the last minute offer of the Invincible and the subsequent withdrawal of the offer that dragged out the program until its cancellation by the incoming Hawke Labor Government. Had Invincible not been offered either the modified Iwo Jima or SCS, that had been short listed over the Garibaldi, (perhaps ironically) Invinsible and others, would have been selcted and ordered. HMAS Melbourne would have received her final major refit and continued in service until the delivery of the new build ship in the mid to late 80s.

An 80s built ship would likely have received modifications incorporating lessons learnt from the Falklands and would still be in service today. It would be interesting to speculate what the RAN would look like today if we had a carrier, would we have bought / built a second? Would we have gone for AEGIS earlier or not at all...?


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Can MH-60R give RAN a limited AEW capability, is the airframe even capable of being adapted to this role?

Even tho we don’t have any fast jet onboard surface ships would an AEW helicopter come in handy for the LHD to extend the area radar coverage of the Hobart class AWD?
The RN are doing AEW with the Sea Kings and Merlins so it would a matter if the Romeo can fly with a rather large drum poking out it's starboard side. I also remember reading somewhere that the UH60s were having aerodynamics problems with the stub wing aux fuel tanks fitted. Don't know if that has been sorted yet, but IIRC the article was last year. Maybe the NH90 would be better helo for it because it would have higher rotor clearance epsecially in comparison to the Romeo.
I agree with you. In pointing out the capabilities of a carrier I do so just to try and dampen down some of the enthusiastic 'we don't need a carrier' arguments. The minimum carrier capability would be a ~20,000 tonne ship, two additional AORs fleet train (three in total), 24 strike fighters, 12 lead in fighter trainers, 16 additional ASW helos and a naval AEW&C capability, 2000 more sailors and 1000 more naval airmen. The cost of that in addition to the current RAN but minus the SM6 and surface ship LACM capability it could displace is quite extensive.

As to what is worth trading off for this it’s not really possible. It would have to be an addition to the funding level. Of course reigning in the inefficient cost of current defence capability (half of the defence budget goes on admin costs) and the submarines 7 or 9 to 12 would easily pay for it plus more bang for the Army and RAAF. But like Volkodav says there is no Government or alternative Government in Australia likely to do that.
I know I will probably have my idea shot to pieces so please be kind. I'm no expert but I wonder whether if we had another LHD to bring our LHD fleet to three and had all three modified to handle the F35 if required i.e proper flight radars ect then would it be possible to have one LHD able to operate F35B's all the time and also have a one LHD available for its intended task with the other in maintenance. Would it be possible to have one modified for carrier functions and still be useful for its LHD role? This way in my limited view we could have our cake and eat it with a carrier if we need it always available or two LHD's always available. :)


I know I will probably have my idea shot to pieces so please be kind. I'm no expert but I wonder whether if we had another LHD to bring our LHD fleet to three and had all three modified to handle the F35 if required i.e proper flight radars ect then would it be possible to have one LHD able to operate F35B's all the time and also have a one LHD available for its intended task with the other in maintenance. Would it be possible to have one modified for carrier functions and still be useful for its LHD role? This way in my limited view we could have our cake and eat it with a carrier if we need it always available or two LHD's always available. :)
in order to have one vessel active all the time you need a total of 3 so if you bought an extra Canberra (which i support btw) you could have it fulfilling its Amphibious role or its carrier role but not 1 performing each. because only 1 would be available


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
in order to have one vessel active all the time you need a total of 3 so if you bought an extra Canberra (which i support btw) you could have it fulfilling its Amphibious role or its carrier role but not 1 performing each. because only 1 would be available
Agreed, the RN intended to operate an Invincible as a Commando Carrier (LPH) as required and as such all three were fitted out to do so. End result, they bought a purpose designed LPH based on the Invincibles to fill the role, the carriers while capable as LPHs were more valuble as carriers.

The RAN should buy purpose designed carriers or not at all.

Abraham Gubler

Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Can MH-60R give RAN a limited AEW capability, is the airframe even capable of being adapted to this role?
Well it is possible. What the Italians did for their AEW&C version of the EH 101 was just to add a larger antenna to the naval radar of this helo. Plus of course ditch the sonar processer and improve the comms system. You could do this to the Seahawk but it would physically be harder because the main gear is closer to the radar antenna than on an EH 101. So this would limit antenna size. Probably a lot easier and cheaper just to buy EH 101-112s with the Italian AEW&C fit out.

Another option would be to fit an air search radar to a UAV and dispense with the airborne fighter controller(s). This would just make such a UAV a radar mule and telstar platform for a surface ship and lack the ability to go over the horizon and provide C2 and SA to strike fighters. With a high endurance UAV like a A160T you wouldn’t need many.

Even tho we don’t have any fast jet onboard surface ships would an AEW helicopter come in handy for the LHD to extend the area radar coverage of the Hobart class AWD?
Sure. If UAV based they could fly from the AWD itself. Such AEW will be crucial when SM6 comes online to provide cueing for the over the horizon capability. But the RAN can reasonably expect to have a Wedgetail AEW&C overhead most of the time. Much easier for the RAAF to do this with an aircraft that flies for 12 hours compared to 2-3 hours (fighter).
Agreed, the RN intended to operate an Invincible as a Commando Carrier (LPH) as required and as such all three were fitted out to do so. End result, they bought a purpose designed LPH based on the Invincibles to fill the role, the carriers while capable as LPHs were more valuble as carriers.

The RAN should buy purpose designed carriers or not at all.
Now I guess the hard part is getting any government to have the balls to actually go down that road. I guess we can all dream, although it would be nice to see the RAN with a proper carrier capability with enough escorts and necessary funding of course. I guess defence isn't a sexy enough vote winner until the S#%$ has really hit the fan and its already too late. Anyway thats my whinge over with for tonight :D


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Now I guess the hard part is getting any government to have the balls to actually go down that road. I guess we can all dream, although it would be nice to see the RAN with a proper carrier capability with enough escorts and necessary funding of course. I guess defence isn't a sexy enough vote winner until the S#%$ has really hit the fan and its already too late. Anyway thats my whinge over with for tonight :D
Well although Australia entered WWII in September 1939 we didn't bother mobilising until early 1942, just over two years and a change in government later when the Japanese were on our door step. Much of the planned force we didn't acheive could have been completed had mobilisation occured on our entry into the war. Imagine 8 Tribal Class Destroyer instead of 3, just for a start.


New Member
Australia really needs a carrier. Even if we use our LHD's as harrier carriers. All of these countries have at least one, INDIA, CHINA, America, Brazil, France, Russia, THAILAND and Spain. The countries with carriers in the pacific our area are in capitals. With India getting 2 more carriers and China getting more in the future. People say that carriers are too expensive but they are not. Just look at Thailands carrier. It is only 11,000 tons and it only costed 336 million (US dollar) to obtain. Thats about triple Larges Bay. It can also carry about 16 jets and helicopters. When people think carrier they think fleet carrier or light carrier, why not escort carrier. Its crew is a little more than 450 officers, aircrew and sailers. That wouldnt cost that much to train all of those men and buy all of the aircraft. We only got a carrier in the past because of experience in ww2. Now people think that things have changed. Yes, but they have changed for the worse of Australia.
Well although Australia entered WWII in September 1939 we didn't bother mobilising until early 1942, just over two years and a change in government later when the Japanese were on our door step. Much of the planned force we didn't acheive could have been completed had mobilisation occured on our entry into the war. Imagine 8 Tribal Class Destroyer instead of 3, just for a start.
Only two were available in 1942 with the last tribal coming online in 1945 when it was pretty much all over bar the screaming. I just hope like hell australia never gets caught with our pants around our ankles like that ever again, as if there is a next time we may not get so lucky.


New Member
No one intends to operate harriers against any ship or airforce. The only reason why they are still flying is that it keep pilots qualified and in the air, and would be mildly useful fighting light rifle armed insurgents.

US already has its first F-35B operating of her LHD's. The harrier is dead I wouldn't be suprised if the parts supply starts to dry up as production parts and warehouses EOL everything to do with it. Spain, india and Italy are nursing the things along, bare minium flight hours etc. Uk gave it up entirely and they were making the bloody things.

If you look at how capable a F-35A is, with in flight refueling and long ranged munitions it covers pretty much everything we need. For everything else we will get TLAM (and harpoons, ESSM, SM2/6 and PAC3) for the AWD and most likely the future frigates. On top of that we can operate tigers off the LHD. Everything cued and watched by wedgetails and JORN looking at the entire planet with us most likely getting info from american space assets, drones etc.

We don't need a carrier. It would be pissing money up against a wall on crap we don't need.
Australia really needs a carrier. Even if we use our LHD's as harrier carriers or using F-35B's. All of these countries have at least one, INDIA, CHINA, America, Brazil, France, Russia, THAILAND and Spain. The countries with carriers in the pacific our area are in capitals. With India getting 2 more carriers and China getting more in the future. People say that carriers are too expensive but they are not. Just look at Thailands carrier. It is only 11,000 tons and it only costed 336 million (US dollar) to obtain. Thats about triple Larges Bay. It can also carry about 16 jets and helicopters. When people think carrier they think fleet carrier or light carrier, why not escort carrier. Its crew is a little more than 450 officers, aircrew and sailers. That wouldn't cost that much to train all of those men and buy all of the aircraft. We only got a carrier in the past because of experience in ww2. Now people think that things have changed. Yes, but they have changed for the worse of Australia.


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Australia really needs a carrier. Even if we use our LHD's as harrier carriers. All of these countries have at least one, INDIA, CHINA, America, Brazil, France, Russia, THAILAND and Spain. The countries with carriers in the pacific our area are in capitals. With India getting 2 more carriers and China getting more in the future. People say that carriers are too expensive but they are not. Just look at Thailands carrier. It is only 11,000 tons and it only costed 336 million (US dollar) to obtain. Thats about triple Larges Bay. It can also carry about 16 jets and helicopters. When people think carrier they think fleet carrier or light carrier, why not escort carrier. Its crew is a little more than 450 officers, aircrew and sailers. That wouldnt cost that much to train all of those men and buy all of the aircraft. We only got a carrier in the past because of experience in ww2. Now people think that things have changed. Yes, but they have changed for the worse of Australia.
You aint gonna get a carrier period. There is no political will or the funds to purchase one plus all the assetts that need to go with it. Then there is the training. How long do you think it will take you to gain full operational capability? Years? No try decades. It is not something you can pick and learn quickly. How are you going to man it? You haven't paid attention to what people have been saying. The RNZN used to have cruisers. Are you suggesting based on that premise we buy a freaking cruiser at the cost to all else. If the ADF acquired a carrier you would not have a viable RAN because all of it's resources would be required to keep that one vessel and its assets operational. Read what other people who are far more knowledgeable than you or I have said instead of persisting with the same line.


New Member
And on what corner of the globe is this conflict going to occur that is out of range of tanker refuelled Super Hornets and why is Australia going to war on its own there?

If there is a requirement that such a landing needs to be done, and there aren't any friendly allies involved in the conflict who could supply CAS (ie. the US), then there are three alternatives; Tiger, NGS and lift some 155mm M777 howitzers in by Chinook. Any such military operation should have an objective to capture an airfield, which you could then use to base Hornets or Hawks.

CAP over a fleet is a different matter, and yes, it would provide valuable protection. But do you think the ADF should spend a good portion of the defence budget on such a capability? The LHDs won't be going anywhere there is risk of a saturation attack by ASCMs, and I would argue that Australia shouldn't be sending the AWDs into such a situation. If it is just a few ASCMs, then I would expect that a combination of SM-2/ESSM/Phalanx/Nulka/SRBOC and fleet EW measures could deal with the threat.
An RAAF official said that the RAAF can only support amphibious operations within 600nm no matter what.

Secondly NGS, what if the frigates main guns run out of ammo. The frigates will be too tied up providing defence. What if the Tigers have run out of ammo, what if they are out of range. What if they are shot down. What if the howitzers run out of ammo, what if the men manning it get shot.
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New Member
I agree with you. In pointing out the capabilities of a carrier I do so just to try and dampen down some of the enthusiastic 'we don't need a carrier' arguments. The minimum carrier capability would be a ~20,000 tonne ship, two additional AORs fleet train (three in total), 24 strike fighters, 12 lead in fighter trainers, 16 additional ASW helos and a naval AEW&C capability, 2000 more sailors and 1000 more naval airmen. The cost of that in addition to the current RAN but minus the SM6 and surface ship LACM capability it could displace is quite extensive.
Why is everyone thinking light carrier or fleet carrier. There is a type called ESCORT CARRIER. Thailands navy obtained one for 336 million ($US). It also has a crew of only a little over 450. Weighing about half an LHD and a little over 2 AWD's they are a good choice.
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