Australia really needs a carrier. Even if we use our LHD's as harrier carriers. All of these countries have at least one, INDIA, CHINA, America, Brazil, France, Russia, THAILAND and Spain. The countries with carriers in the pacific our area are in capitals. With India getting 2 more carriers and China getting more in the future. People say that carriers are too expensive but they are not. Just look at Thailands carrier. It is only 11,000 tons and it only costed 336 million (US dollar) to obtain. Thats about triple Larges Bay. It can also carry about 16 jets and helicopters. When people think carrier they think fleet carrier or light carrier, why not escort carrier. Its crew is a little more than 450 officers, aircrew and sailers. That wouldnt cost that much to train all of those men and buy all of the aircraft. We only got a carrier in the past because of experience in ww2. Now people think that things have changed. Yes, but they have changed for the worse of Australia.