No one disputes that the Collins class of subs is very good. However what people almost always omit, is that it took many years for them to get very good. There was a time there when they had more than their fair share of problems. If Australia had been in a bad dispute in the window where the Oberons were gone, and the Collins were not up to speed, perhaps people would not be so flattering about them now.
Another aspect of the Collins class was that they were expensive. It may well be that the money was well spent, but the extra billions for these subs, means fewer billions of dollars for other things.
Either way, that is all in the past now.
The question is, has Australia learnt enough lessons to build a new class of Submarines from scratch and get enough things right next time around?
From the little I know, HDW makes quite good submarnines, does anyone dispute that? It is true that they have not built a 4000t submarine yet.
It is a moot point now, however Australia seems set on getting a very large sub. Apparently there is a need for this large size. From what I can gather, there is a need (read essential) for the sub to travel to the South China Sea, or the NW Indian Ocean to perform some sort of strategic deterrent role. Now it may well be that this is essential, however the idea that this is essential is not really discussed, it is almost as if it is a given. A shorter ranged submarnine might only protect australian sea lanes, however it seems that with so many ships, the main role of large subs, is not defence as such, but more a strategic deterent. This may be fine, but for whatever reason, it does not seem to get much open discussion. Either way, that is all a bit of a moot point now, as we seem set on getting very large subs. Is this a taboo topic of discussion?
What is not often mentioned is that it is mainly thanks to the mineral boom, and our economy doing well, that Australia can afford such vessels. If the China boom had not eventuated and China had not modernised the way it did, there would have been a lot more aggravation about whether Australia can really afford such top of the line products as the Collins class. Remember before the mineral boom kicked in there were always budget cuts here and cuts there, it was always very difficult to balance the budget.
So Australia was lucky in a way, we did not get into a bad war in the timeframe before the Collins class were working well, and the mineral boom has given us the money to afford these vessels.
All I am saying, is that before HDW gets automatically rubbed out, at least see what they have to offer.