Its not as if the Collins has impressed anyone.
good grief, I assume you are referring to the mass media reports - as opposed to those on exercise in other navies who have been signularly impressed.
we've been over this nonsense so many times its not funny.
one of the things I repeatedly got from USN colleagues was the dismay about how hostile the local media was and how clueless the general public were, but how damned good they considered them to be, That wasn't people blowing smoke either, as they were senior enough to not a give a $hit whether they needed to be polite or civil to some bloke from Oz - and from a navy which they nicknamed the RAN the "US 7 and a 1/2 Fleet"
The reason why the US leased Gotland was because it was the mini-me version of the 471 but with AIP, so they wanted to see what it would be like against a different adversary, this was after repeatedly getting their hat handed to them in proscribed boxes where the defender has the advantage.
under different govts we could have sold on aspects of Collins tech to various countries who have recognised how good they are when on the job.
I expect more sensible analysis out of a forum like this than I do from idiots on youtube or those who write spam letters to various editors.
I'll let the industry def profs point out in their own worlds what has been achieved when compared to various other sub programs - and from countries where they build subs for a historical living.
the woulda coulda shoulda comments on going with a larger gernan sub would have been counterbalanced by the australian company that would have been prime. Having worked with the CEO of that company on various mech engineering projects both in Oz and overseas over the years - all I can say is we dodged a bullet.