There are still a few questions that need to be answered and I am afraid we won't know any time soon.
If Iran could detect RQ170, why weren't jets scrambled to intercept? Isn't that expected from an air force, you don't want to shoot down a civilian plane. It doesn't appear to have been brought down with a SAM as Iran says it wasn't damaged. Any SAM would reduce it to smithereens.
I have a hard time believing the hacker theory when it appears that Iran still has problems dealing with Stuxnet virus. So my conclusion is the jammer theory that some support with Avtobaza ground-based electronic intelligence and jamming system (DEW line) or some onboard malfunction.
I am surprised that Iran hasn't provided some proof with photos or wreckage. I know the Iran fanboys on DEW disagree but the propaganda value for the regime is too big to let it go to waste . Also we have so many images of Iran's military, parading a RQ170 is just too good to be true.
The theory that this is a huge coup for Russia or China is a bit exaggerated,IMO:
One, no one knows what the original requirements were for a RQ170. What level of sophistication was required, was it to go deep inside Russia or China (probably the most difficult current air defenses) or for lesser difficult targets (Pakistan, NKorea, Iran,Venezuela,etc....)? Why would you put the most complex and secret stuff on board the lesser LO requirements? That would be stupid since you know there is ALWAYS a risk of it going down in enemy territory. It also was a fast program from Skunk Works, very likely that they reused a lot of known gear and COTS. I base that also on the fact that we have pictures of RQ170 taken during daylight hours, if we were so concerend about secrecy, USAF should have been able to operate for longer without any pictures leaking. The shape is rather conventional for UAV, noting new there. I think we shouldn't confuse the mission which is classified meaning that everything about RQ170 is classified. The engine, sat coms, most of the controls, software, maybe even some of the RAM don't necessarily have to be the latest and greatest to accomplish the mission.
Second, I find the theory even as an American very condescending/arrogant. Russia has a rich aviation tradition with some phenomenal designs, yes, they are a bit behind when it comes to UAVs which to a certain extant probably derives from a lack of operational need and lack of financing. China is making huge strides and some of the latest disclosures show that they aren't that far behind and they DEFINITELY have the money to spend catching up. Considering that China has hacked every computer DOD owns, they probably already have the blueprints anyways.Sure, would they be happy to look inside a RQ170, yes, but that doesn't mean they would be discovering a whole lot of new stuff.
Even the surveillance package doesn't have to be the latest, RQ170 was used over Pakistan to provide continuous video/presence of OBL and his compound. Sure it probably can do a few other things but that doesn't require some super secret SAR or optics. When one remembers that there have been a few "termination with prejudice" of Iranian scientists (and those are the only ones we know of, for sure), yeah, RQ170 was engaged in highly classified missions but maybe it just has the systems of a Predator with stealthier/ longer endurance.
Last, not sure Iranians should be so happy that they have a RQ170. They don't know how many have been produced or more importantly to them: how many operate over Iran and for how long? RQ170 has been in operation for a couple of years in theater, I seriously doubt that Iran brought down the first RQ170 on the first day of operations over Iran. I don't think they are that lucky.