The Thai order was cancelled recently.
The article was indeed a rant, but the source is considered reliable. Gur Khan is a former UVZ emloyee, with connections in the armored vehicle industry. He is citing commentary from a KhBTM employee, with regards to production of BTR-4 and 3 APCs, and T-84 tanks. The claims are that BTR production was very difficult to start up, and ran into a lot of problems, but now is running more or less smoothly, but the T-84 is not ready for any sort of serial run, and T-64BM Bulat upgrades are continuing at a rather slow pace (10-20 tanks annually). This more or less supports what I've encountered earlier, with regards to Ukranian armored industry news (for example they've been re-arming 1 btln with T-64BM tanks every 2 years, and have never delivered the T-84 anywhere in any noteworthy numbers, instead delivering T-72 upgrades). I would take it at face value.