Indonesian Aero News


The Bunker Group
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  • #301
It really depends on the requirements and the package being offered. It is not as straightforward as the numbers suggest.

The Australians are facing the same dilemma with the C27J and the C295 in contention and yes, the C27J has a higher acquisition cost but is apparently favoured by RAAF.
The questions now is politics. I don't think this administrations will go ahead with procurement of an aircraft that more or less have similar capabilities with what DI/IAe already or will be manufactured. With the President already make political promised that he will put the domestic products ahead, choosing C-27J when everyone already knows C-295 can be produced by DI, is just adding political ammo for his oppositions to attack. Something that I don't thing even his most dense political adviser will tell him to do (and he's already got some idiot around him though ;), although also got some pretty smart ones)

Alenia/Locheed will not give DI manufacturing license of C-27J, but EADS will and already in the processed for providing DI with license to manufactured and marketed C-295 in Asia Pacific. That move secured EADS 90% of the deal (with only 10% chances if The President wants to make political blunders). RAAF choose C-27J for commonality with C-130J. TNI-AU does not have C-130J, but have CN-235 with share 70%+ commonality with C-295.

The odd for C-295 is just much higher politically and logistically, no matter what TNI-AU wants or think. Just wandering though if TNI-AU brass put higher score with C-27J, in order/hoping that next budgets round say in couple of years will give them C-130J...hmm,tricky ?:D


Well-Known Member
Well, it seems to have cleared the Indonesian Parliament hurdles and a budget increase as well to upgrade to BLK 52 too (pls correct me if I am wrong, as I am reading of the translator). The original budget was supposed to be $400 million.

I wonder what sort of political capital was used to push this through. But it will be significant for TNI-AU.

Tempointeraktif.Com - Upgrade 24 Unit F-16 Bekas, Pemerintah Kucurkan Rp 5,3 Triliun

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Komisi Pertahanan dan Luar Negeri DPR dan Kementerian Pertahanan hari ini telah menyepakati hibah 24 unit pesawat F-16 bekas dari Amerika Serikat. Untuk memodernisasi (upgrade) pesawat seluruhnya, pemerintah harus mengucurkan dana tak kurang dari US$ 600 juta atau Rp 5,3 triliun.

"Anggaran total yang dialokasikan sekitar US$ 600 juta," kata Ketua Komisi Pertahanan dan Luar Negeri DPR Mahfudz Siddiq usai menggelar rapat kerja tertutup dengan Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro dan Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Agus Suhartono di gedung DPR, Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011.

Anggaran tersebut akan digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas fisik dan teknologi pesawat tempur, mulai dari persenjataan, avionik, rangka pesawat, hingga mesin pesawat. "Tapi untuk 2012 yang dibutuhkan US$ 200 juta (Rp 1,8 triliun) untuk down payment (uang muka)," ujar Mahfudz.

Ia mengatakan, setelah melewati pembahasan yang cukup panjang dan sempat beberapa kali buntu, Komisi Pertahanan akhirnya menyetujui hibah 24 unit pesawat F-16 setelah pemerintah berubah sikap soal pemutakhiran pesawat. DPR sejak awal setuju adanya hibah dengan syarat akan dimodernisasi ke blok 52 serta ada transfer teknologi.

Pemerintah, kata Mahfudz, semula tidak sepakat dengan syarat yang diajukan DPR, dan memilih pemutakhiran cukup ke blok 32 saja, yaitu retrofit. "Akhirnya sudah mulai bergeser sehingga sekarang pemerintah dan DPR sudah sepakat bahwa hibah ini kita terima 24 F-16 dan upgrade setara blok 51 dengan skema FMS, G to G, itu yang paling penting. Jadi bukan direct commercial sale," ujar dia.

FMS (Foreign Millitary Sale) adalah skema pembayaran pesawat yang diinginkan DPR sejak awal. Melalui skema FMS, tanggung jawab penuh terhadap pesawat ada di tangan pemerintah Amerika Serikat sebagai negara pemberi hibah. Pemerintah Indonesia tidak perlu membayar pajak atau jasa.

Mahfudz mengatakan, dengan disetujuinya pengadaan 24 unit pesawat F-16 melalui jalur hibah, rencana semula pemerintah untuk membeli 6 unit F-16 baru, dibatalkan. Anggarannya direalokasikan untuk modernisasi 24 unit pesawat bekas tersebut.

Proses selanjutnya yang harus diurus pemerintah yakni soal nota diplomatik (letter of acceptance), yang menyebutkan bahwa pemerintah Amerika Serikat setuju secara resmi memberikan hibah pesawat ke pemerintah Indonesia. "Baru nanti setelah itu ada negosiasi mengenai spesifikasi-spesifikasi teknisnya. Ini di-upgrade ke blok berapa, time frame penyelesaiannya kapan," ujar Mahfudz.

Nota diplomatik ditargetkan rampung pada bulan Desember mendatang. Selanjutnya, 30 hari setelah pembuatan nota diplomatik, tepatnya bulan Januari tahun depan, pemerintah Indonesia sudah bisa membayar uang sebesar US$ 200 juta. Begitu uang muka dibayarkan, Mahfudz mengatakan, modernisasi pesawat bisa langsung dimulai. "Sampai semester pertama 2014 paling tidak minimal 16 unit, satu skuadron (pesawat) bisa dikirim ke Indonesia," katanya.

Sedangkan sisanya, sebanyak 8 unit pesawat, DPR dan pemerintah menargetkan bisa dirampungkan pada akhir tahun 2014. "Paling enggak bergeser sisanya ke 2014 akhir bisa selesai," ujar Mahfudz.


The Bunker Group
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  • #303
Indonesia's Parliament Finally Agree with F-16 Grant Scheme.

Indonesian Parliament finally agree with procurement of 24 ex USAF F-16. From Tempo interactive with Google translate:

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta - Defense and Foreign Affairs Commission of the Parliament and the Ministry of Defence today it has agreed to grant 24 units of the former F-16 aircraft from the United States. To modernize (upgrade) the whole plane, the government must disburse funds of no less than U.S. $ 600 million or Rp 5.3 trillion.

"The total budget allocated approximately US $ 600 million," said Chairman of Defence and Foreign Affairs Commission of the Parliament after Siddiq Mahfouz held a closed meeting with Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro and Armed Forces Commander Admiral Agus Suhartono capitol, Tuesday, October 25, 2011.

The budget will be used to improve the physical quality and technology fighter aircraft, ranging from weapons, avionics, aircraft order, until the aircraft engine. "But for 2012 the required U.S. $ 200 million (IDR 1.8 trillion) for the down payment (deposit)," Mahfouz said.

He said, after a discussion that is long enough and had several times a dead end, the Commission finally approved a grant of Defense 24 units of F-16 aircraft after the government changed its stance about the updating of the aircraft. Parliament since the beginning of the grant agreement with the terms will be modernized into 52 blocks and no transfer of technology.

The government, said Mahfouz, do not agree with the terms originally proposed House of Representatives, and choose the updates just enough to block 32, the retrofit. "At last has begun to shift so that now the government and parliament had agreed that this grant we have received 24 F-16 and upgraded the equivalent block 52 with FMS scheme, G to G, it is most important. So it's not direct commercial sale," he said.

FMS (Foreign Military Sale) is a payment scheme the House desired plane from the beginning. Through the FMS scheme, the overall responsibility of the aircraft is in the hands of government of the United States as the country's grantor. Government of Indonesia does not have to pay taxes or services.

Mahfouz said, with the approval of the procurement of 24 F-16 aircraft through grants, government's original plan to buy six new units of F-16, was canceled. Budget reallocated for modernization of 24 units of the used aircraft.

The next process is to take care of the government that is a matter of diplomatic notes (letter of acceptance), which states that the United States government formally agreed to grant the aircraft to the Indonesian government. "Only later after that there are negotiations on technical specifications. It's been upgraded to block number, time frame for its completion when," said Mahfouz.

Diplomatic notes is targeted for completion in December. Furthermore, 30 days after the making of diplomatic notes, precisely in January next year, the government of Indonesia has been able to pay the money of U.S. $ 200 million. Once the deposit is paid, Mahfouz said, the modernization of the aircraft can immediately begin. "Until the first half of 2014 at least a minimum of 16 units, a squadron of (aircraft) can be sent to Indonesia," he said.

While the rest, as many as eight aircraft, the Parliament and government targets to be completed by the end of 2014. "At least the remainder to be completed late 2014," said Mahfouz.
Last week in Bali, US Defense Secretary Leon Panneta already ensured Indonesia President SBY that US Administrations and Congress will back the trasnfered of this F-16.

Initial budget was prepared around USD 400 mio, with and upgrade to Block 32 standard, but now The Parliament and Administrations agree with USD 600 mio budget to upgrade 24 ex USAF F-16 to Block 52. This budget exclude (reported) around USD 200 mio budget to upgrade (MLU) 10 existing F-16 Block 15.

Related to TNI-AU, On 24th TNI-AU put notice in several media, their intentions for additional procurement of SU-30 Mk2 with Budget USD 470 mio. This procurement of the Aircraft only and not with armaments. Thus with that budget I'll expected they will got around 10-12 Su 30 Mk 2.

It's a practice with TNI, the budget for Weapons Platform and Weapons/Armament usually committed in separate budget. However if this budget also included armaments and support, then the number can drop to 6 - 8 Aircraft.

Attached is their announcement in several Printed Media.
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Well-Known Member
Related to TNI-AU, On 24th TNI-AU put notice in several media, their intentions for additional procurement of SU-30 Mk2 with Budget USD 470 mio. This procurement of the Aircraft only and not with armaments. Thus with that budget I'll expected they will got around 10-12 Su 30 Mk 2.

It's a practice with TNI, the budget for Weapons Platform and Weapons/Armament usually committed in separate budget. However if this budget also included armaments and support, then the number can drop to 6 - 8 Aircraft.

Attached is their announcement in several Printed Media.
6 was the number mentioned last year.


The Bunker Group
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  • #305
C-295 for TNI-AU Confirmed

Today, President SBY witnessed signing of Cooperation agreement between DI and EADS for joint production of C-295. Initial production will be for TNI-AU, but future order from Asia Pacific can be provided by DI.

From Kompas online with Google translate:

BANDUNG, - The Indonesian government to allocate 325 million U.S. dollars for the procurement of transport aircraft CN-295 type for the Air Force. CN-295 aircraft is a product of PT Dirgantara Indonesia in collaboration with Airbus Military Industry (AMI).

Signing a memorandum of understanding with the production of CN-295 aircraft between PT DI and AMI witnessed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the hangar CN 235N PT DI, Jakarta, Wednesday (10/26/2011). "Hopefully, in the first half of 2014 will be completed at least nine CN-295," said Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro in Bandung on Wednesday.

Purnomo said that this cooperation has five benefits for Indonesia. First, the capability, workload, and Indonesia's defense industry technology transfer increases. Second, this cooperation can absorb about 2,000 workers. Third, PT DI can be the sole producer for the Asia Pacific region. "Fourth, the effects of financial and management to improve the performance of PT DI and ability to compete in the Asia Pacific region. The fifth, Indonesia has a market prospects in the Asia Pacific region because of the need for a medium-size transport aircraft high enough in the region," said Minister of Defence.

The Government continues to improve its modernization of the main tools of weapons systems (defense equipment) and military strength. Construction of military force modernization is planned in three strategic plan, namely the period 2009-2014, the period of 2014-2019, and 2019-2024 periods.

In the period 2009-2014, the government has allocated a budget to meet the needs of the procurement, maintenance, and defense equipment maintenance Rp 150 trillion. Revitalization of the defense industry has also become part of the Masterplan Economic Development Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia. Defense industry is seen to have a strategic role in the implementation of national defense and promote economic growth.
It's busy week for Indonesian Air Force procurement activities:
1. They got approval from Parliament and US Defense Secretary to proceed with plan acquisition and upgrading 24 ex USAF F-16,
2. They begin process to acquire additional Su-30 Mk2 (with the budget for 6 including armaments or 10 if platform only).
3. They got approval and budget allocation for at least 9 C-295 as F-27 replacements.

All of this has been circulated for some time, and all those planes aimed to be ready at the latest of 2014, before SBY leave the office. SBY seems want to leave a legacy for the Air Force and TNI as the whole before 2014.

Btw, why this reporter insist on AMI and not EADS, I believe Casa now part of EADS, and not AMI ?


The Bunker Group
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  • #306
Indonesian Aerospace Development

Several Link to LAPAN sites (National Aerospace Agency) concerning their development for 550 mm Satellite launcher (aimed for 12.5 kg - 50 kg payload/micro satellite on low earth atmosphere), Satellite Lapan A2 and A3 and Rocket Propellant production. Sorry all the report in Bahasa Indonesia.

Lapan is also hoping to get more shares on the increase of Indonesian budget on Defense procurement and development.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Indonesian Parliament finally agree with procurement of 24 ex USAF F-16. From Tempo interactive with Google translate:

Last week in Bali, US Defense Secretary Leon Panneta already ensured Indonesia President SBY that US Administrations and Congress will back the trasnfered of this F-16.

Initial budget was prepared around USD 400 mio, with and upgrade to Block 32 standard, but now The Parliament and Administrations agree with USD 600 mio budget to upgrade 24 ex USAF F-16 to Block 52. This budget exclude (reported) around USD 200 mio budget to upgrade (MLU) 10 existing F-16 Block 15.

Some questions:
- From which block are the 24(+6 for spareparts) secondhand F-16?
- The airplanes will be upgraded to Block 32, that means an AN/APG-68 radar, F100-PW -220 or F100-PW-220E engines?
- Block 32 is AGM-88 and AIM-120 capable, but the deal doesn't include weapons does it? That means we still have to use AIM-9P-4s....


Active Member
I think you misread it
"The Parliament and Administrations agree with USD 600 mio budget to upgrade 24 ex USAF F-16 to Block 52."
Block 52 should be sweet and will probably have a missile upgrade on a separate order


The Bunker Group
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  • #309
Some questions:
- From which block are the 24(+6 for spareparts) secondhand F-16?
- The airplanes will be upgraded to Block 32, that means an AN/APG-68 radar, F100-PW -220 or F100-PW-220E engines?
- Block 32 is AGM-88 and AIM-120 capable, but the deal doesn't include weapons does it? That means we still have to use AIM-9P-4s....
All still in speculation in here. But seems it can be aimed with PW 220 engine plus Block 50 avionics/electronics. However the airframe still Block 32 standard, thus it can't be equipped with conformal tanks.

So far, the budget practice in the Min-def procurement is the budget for Platform will be different with the budget for armament.


Just a bloke
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
The DSCA announcement about Indonesia's requested 24x F-16C/D's is up.

They are to be Block 25 aircraft upgraded with new Radar Warning Receivers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare systems, ALE-47 Counter-Measures dispenser systems, LAU-129 launchers, modern Raytheon radios with Have Quick II (anti-jam) capability, SADL - (situational awareness data-link), EPLRS - (Enhanced Position Locating Reporting System), Modular Mission computers (or alternate systems) Sniper XR targetting pod or Litening targetting pod plus 28x F100-PW-220 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted "gratis".

Estimated full cost - USD$750m.

Block 25 standard F-16's feature the APG-68(v) radar, AMRAAM capability (confirmed by LAU-129 launchers) and a glass cockpit. All in all, quite a modern F-16 level capability. Sounds like you're getting the aircraft and engines for free and paying for the equipment and work to upgrade the jets to modern standards, nice...

I imagine a weapons / support package will be on the next release?


The Bunker Group
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  • #311
They are to be Block 25 aircraft upgraded with new Radar Warning Receivers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare systems, ALE-47 Counter-Measures dispenser systems, LAU-129 launchers, modern Raytheon radios with Have Quick II (anti-jam) capability, SADL - (situational awareness data-link), EPLRS - (Enhanced Position Locating Reporting System), Modular Mission computers (or alternate systems) Sniper XR targetting pod or Litening targetting pod plus 28x F100-PW-220 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted "gratis".

Estimated full cost - USD$750m.
The Government of Indonesia has requested a sale for the regeneration and upgrade of 24 F-16C/D Block 25 aircraft and 28 F100-PW-200 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted as Excess Defense Articles.
In my understanding, Excess Defense Article does not mean it's free. The Airframe is Free but I believe the USD 750 mio tag price besides upgrading the electronics also include the engine (and off course the work and support).

Like I say in my previous post, the ussual budgetary practice by Min-Def in here for armament ussually seperate from platform.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
The DSCA announcement about Indonesia's requested 24x F-16C/D's is up.

They are to be Block 25 aircraft upgraded with new Radar Warning Receivers, ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare systems, ALE-47 Counter-Measures dispenser systems, LAU-129 launchers, modern Raytheon radios with Have Quick II (anti-jam) capability, SADL - (situational awareness data-link), EPLRS - (Enhanced Position Locating Reporting System), Modular Mission computers (or alternate systems) Sniper XR targetting pod or Litening targetting pod plus 28x F100-PW-220 or F100-PW-220E engines being granted "gratis".

Estimated full cost - USD$750m.

Block 25 standard F-16's feature the APG-68(v) radar, AMRAAM capability (confirmed by LAU-129 launchers) and a glass cockpit. All in all, quite a modern F-16 level capability. Sounds like you're getting the aircraft and engines for free and paying for the equipment and work to upgrade the jets to modern standards, nice...

I imagine a weapons / support package will be on the next release?
Thanks for the link and the info, this is what i wanted to know!


Just a bloke
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
In my understanding, Excess Defense Article does not mean it's free. The Airframe is Free but I believe the USD 750 mio tag price besides upgrading the electronics also include the engine (and off course the work and support).

Like I say in my previous post, the ussual budgetary practice by Min-Def in here for armament ussually seperate from platform.
I read it as airframes and engines being granted as Excess Defence articles with the payment being for the regeneration (from AMARC storage) and upgrade of these aircraft/engines.

Fair enough about the weapons package. Will be interesting to see what Indonesia requests. Those LAU-129 launchers are AMRAAM, Sparrow and AIM-9X capable so we'll see what they get to go with those launchers...




New Member
These F-16s can be easily upgraded without having to buy new ones. Sounds like a versatile machine for an air force that functions best by upgrading their old aircraft.


Just a bloke
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
These F-16s can be easily upgraded without having to buy new ones. Sounds like a versatile machine for an air force that functions best by upgrading their old aircraft.
That's the good thing about choosing an aircraft with such a large user base. There is also a bewildering array of potential upgrades and weapon systems available for the F-16 aircraft and a lot of them aren't even totally reliant upon the US. Some of the capability enhancements for the platform such as the AESA radars by Raytheon and Northrop Grumman (RACR and SABR respectively) are also still under development, meaning the platform has a significant growth path ahead for it.

Here's an excellent SABR radar installation video for the F-16 platform for instance:

[nomedia=""]Scaleable Agile Beam Radar - YouTube[/nomedia]

As to upgrades, they don't all require working with L-M either. Pakistan for instance is upgrading her F-16 aircraft in conjunction with Turkey. Whilst the US is the design source, the platform has been licenced out for manufacture and upgrade to other Countries. whilst you can't "escape" the US entirely if you operate F-16, significant "self-reliance or non-US reliance" can be had with it.

I think it an excellent choice to upgrade the TNI-AU's capability, reduce the number of in-service types and the cost of maintaining and operating them all...

the road runner

Active Member
Good news for the Indonesian Air Force

The Indonesian Air Force will be gifted 4 C-130s (H model i presume?) from the Australian Government/RAAF.

Cookies must be enabled | The Australian

The Article states that 25 million dollars is needed to restore the 4, C-130s.
Would this work be carried out by Indonesia Aero/ADF or supplied by kits from LM?

Australia will also provide support for an Indonesian armed forces peace keeping centre.


Super Moderator
As to upgrades, they don't all require working with L-M either. Pakistan for instance is upgrading her F-16 aircraft in conjunction with Turkey. Whilst the US is the design source, the platform has been licenced out for manufacture and upgrade to other Countries. whilst you can't "escape" the US entirely if you operate F-16, significant "self-reliance or non-US reliance" can be had with it. ..
Indeed. There's even a non-US AESA upgrade offered (though not fully developed yet) from Selex, a version of the Vixen radar (of which the basic 500E model is in service) tailored for the F-16.


Just a bloke
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Indeed. There's even a non-US AESA upgrade offered (though not fully developed yet) from Selex, a version of the Vixen radar (of which the basic 500E model is in service) tailored for the F-16.
Yep there's a ton of different non-US systems available (not surprisingly) from Countries such as Denmark, Turkey, Germany, UK and especially Israel, if you're politically able to work with them...