Russia offer is similar with South Korea ...but Indonesia should buy min. 6 units from them ... 2 from export credit + 4 Cash (SK: only min. 4 units and all through export credit). Without ToT .. the price of Kilo is much cheaper than CBG.Ananda said:That's what Daewoo offered to PAL, not only the ToT on how to build Subs, but also helping PAL to adjust their facilities for Subs manufacturing. Whille the Russsian promissed for ToT but demand another seperate deal for helping PAL adjust their manufacturing infrastructures.
You can say like that if our president is not SBY ... Do you think that the grant of 24 units of F16 is without certain pre-conditions? .....Honestly, why if something not progressing on the deal with China or Russia now in Indonesia being blamed on US Influenced
What the US got to do with this deal ??
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