Werent the Nakhoda Ragams purchsed by Algeria?Just a few points of clarification:
Over on ARSSE they have a thread on how to implement 20% personnel cuts. As cut's are a-coming I was wondering if there could be a way for the Royal Navy to implement them without losing - much - operational capability.
SA:Yes I got my numbers wrong. Reducing to 3 T22BIII and 12 T23 should be ok if we used an OPV/Light-frigate for constabulary work (eighteen vessels over seventeen). If the Brunei vessels are overkill why use a T22 instead? As the T22 have C&C I'd like to keep them for flotilla leadership and the like. If the Nakhoda Ragam are still available then we should see medium/long-term savings in personnel and costs.
Swerve: I always thought the NRs had helicopter-support. Therefore they are similar solution to HMS Clyde. Would having a RFA nearby be a problem (as I assume one is usually about for disaster-relief ops)?
The BAMs are nice, but they are not a turn-key solution yet. We would also have to ensure we have the correct type available as not all appear to have a hanger.
We know that it will be hard for the Coalition to maintain current expenditure (let alone fill in the missing billions on procurement). I was just proposing one possible manipulation of the budget to eek out a little more. [We could always gift a T22 to Pakistan and transfer the replacement cost from the Overseas Aid funds.]
In any case google said they cost 600m for three, can support but not hangar a helo, and still require a crew of 80. When built I thought the headroom was designed for shorter crew members with no heating system?
I would have thought that with a decent production run, and with some common sense in design for export potential, then a T26 could mirror the T23 in ships becoming cheaper towards the end of the run.
I would favour scrapping the overseas aid budget competely, gifting £800m to india whilst they build carriers an develop a space programme seems lunacy. As for constabulary work , particularly drug interdiction, this should be an area where resources are pooled, certainly across the EU, where I wouldnt mind chipping in to a cheap and cheerful patrol vesse wth a flight deck, some RIBS and a couple of heavy machine guns, l with a multinational crew, the leave the RN to concentrate on other tasks.