Imagine a conflict of australia against a country that wants to bring the war to australian territory, so australia wants to bring it to the enemy´s territory also, in his plans australia can use tomahawcks:
- if using them from subs alone in a range of fire off the enemys territory, they declare themselves, that is it beggins a directed hunt against them, we can imagine the enemy has a fleet and cn-295 eads persuaders or similar type with 6 torpedos and sh3 sikorski or similiar antisubmarine helos or that can cover well the australian subs fire ranges zones, i would say that without the australian fleet near australian subs would be hunted (of course it depends if the enemy is well prepared, but there are many in asia), for ex. cn-295 persuader range patrolling asw is 1800 nautical miles, so 3500 kms but without the external tanks), the range of the enemys fleet is also mucho more than that, so they cover well the zone off the enemys coast for australian subs launch their tactoms, say 1200-1500 kms off enemyes coast.
-so probably i would use a fleet to give cover to the subs, and complement the subs tactoms with the awds and future anzacs tactoms, it is not the same to destroy the electricity plants of one city than many cities trying to paralize opponents sources, also with the cover they can launch them closer to the enemys coast so reach inland. With the fleet near you can choose when your subs gets quickly info, just info, and when you want the fleet to approach for a wave of tactoms.
-if the enemy is able to have 2 fleets, one for definding himself and other to attack australia or so, then australia would need 2 fleets also, for defending and attacking, and we see the importance of having may assets of the different kinds:
-3 awd´s for the austrlian offensive fleet, 2 if the enemy´s offensive fleet has a carrier, the 3rd awd for the austrlian defensive fleet to face the enemys carrier.
-anzacs, the other frigates and the new anzacs.
-24 sh3 sikorski with 4 torpedos, for the 2 fleet and australian territory.
-and the 2 variables, the 2 lhd and the subs:
-we can use some antisubmariene helos from the canberras, one for each australian fleet, or if they needed use them as carriers in the offensive fleet and make the deffensive helos platform a galizia class (4 sh3 sikorski each, like the same helos as four anzacs).
-we can have 6 more complex collins II, or we can have 10 smalller cheaper subs offensive and defensive fleet capable sooner and less risky (probably), because if australia is going to offend, and even just gain spy info from the subs, they will need an australian fleet near, so really we might not need collins I ranges for the collins II, as a basic requirement or a requirement to be fulfilled at high speed. What is more important as a requirement, to have some subs for gain secret info and stay long in station very away and very fast, or to have more subs for dividing them in 2 fleets for a real conflict, apart from the fact than in a real conflict of an austrlian fleet against and enemys fleet, the smaller subs might have advantage.
I know i have repeated some things i said before, but amplified as well.