According to T45 technical specs they have the C&C capacity to host a purple command group, so they could step-up and replace the T22's in the flag role (plus they have the extra bed spaces). Another excuse to cut the T22's early.
Plus unlike the T23's you can't simply drop a CAAM unit into the space frequented by SW system. You would have to surface mount a CAAM pallet on the foredeck to replace the existing six-shot SW launcher - very untidy!
True, they do seem to be the most obvious targets to cuts, which is sad as the whole T22 class have been desposed of prematurely. However the implcations of such a move?:
1) if they are cut early, I would think it unlikely they will be replaced by T26 in 10 years time?
2) Why has the RN undertaken expensive refits (I don't know how much they are?) when there must have had a question mark over them for some time.
3) If this does happen, planning for the T26/C1/C2 should be adjusting to reflect the likely reduction in numbers. It is always likely to have a more positive impact on costs if we under order and then later order extra ships if funding allows.
4) C1/C2 one class of 12 ships, some with less kit fitted, or fitted over time?