It's a reduced-size F100, with SPY-1 (though IIRC a smaller model than in F100) & AEGIS. All the arguments against adapting F100 for the RN apply to it, plus the size. There seems to be unanimity that Type 26 will be 6000 tons, maybe a bit more.
Why start with a ship where you have to do more redesign? There is a class of ship with basically the same hull as F100, but without the structure for SPY-1, i.e. the LCF/F124. One of the reasons Australia chose F100 was because Australia wanted SPY-1/Aegis. TKMS offered a ship derived from F124, IIRC, & it was considered to offer no advantages because of the redesign needed, & consequent higher cost & risk, & rejected early on.
Think of it like this: you want a car. You can buy -
a) a car the size & performance you want.
b) a van based on the same chassis, & convert it.
Which do you buy? Obvious, isn't it? In this context, the F100 is a van, & the RN wants a car. It has major structural differences from the RNs requirement. The LCF/F124 has the same basis, but without those structural differences.
I agree with the re-work part.
The Nansen class should be unacceptable to the RN because of it's systems; In my oppinion RN needs to get it's act together and a good place to start is by conformity of systems.
As I see it the RN is in a unique position to do wonders with it's fleet of surface combattants, who all, with the exception of Type45, either is more or less obsolete or ageing. In other words the RN can design a new fleet from scratch.
In this line of thinking; With the type45 the RN has made a commitment to certain new systems, f.ex. ASTER, SAMPSON, Engines, Consoles/computer system, electronics etc. The RN should continue with those systems whenever such cabability is needed and in the greatest possible and feasable extent. Ideally the ship (T45) it self should also be the unified platform of a future fleet (though it appears that the T45 is unsuited for being the backbone of multiple variants? - in that case you need a new platform - ONE (conceptual) platform).
Of this new conceptual platform, we all ready know a lot. It's air defense suite will be like that of the T45 (possibly stripped down). F.ex. it will have a SAMPSON radar (or something alike) and will have ASTER missiles for airdefense. Having said A, you can might as well say B, which means that the VLS system would be Sylvan, which points to other weapon systems that can work with that system and specificly rules out weapons that can't.
We also know that the propulsion system will be fuel-electric like the T45 (disel-turbine-electric). The ASW version might be diesel-electric only (I don't know whether the turbines are good for ASW needs).
Anyway from such conceptual design you spawn the variants that you need, I understand 3 variants. One might need ultra quiet engines, another a powerfull radar yet another might not need all those fancy stuff. and you differentiate the variants according to mission and economical feasability.
And ofcourse, since we live in the 21th century, we all ready now design our architecture in such a way that we facilitate easyness of future upgrades, becase the electronics and weapons are sure to get obsolete long before the hull rust.
And "things" which doesn't fit into this schema is axed imidiately. This new weapon; CAMM. I don't understand, If ASTER15 is a good short to medium range missile allready in service, I can't see the need for developing a new costly missile that can do the same.