And it appears that the french, Italiens and greek and, until recently, the RN think that ASTER is the future. ...
"Smaller & lighter, enabling more to be carried for the same weight & space constraints."
That's a minor thing, isn't it? Not really warranting a rethink of RN's AD missile suite, imho.
In regard to the type23 problem. Since this ageing ship is incompatible with ASTER (I am told) you need an intrim solution to another problem: The obsolete sea wolf. Don't invent another problem to fix a problem. As far as I know there exits cheap systems that can do that job as an intrim solution.
In the scenario where you have both ASTER short-medium and CAMM short range:
You are introducing CAMM while ASTER is still top-modern.
So, by reason, when ASTER is obsolete/ in need of replacement, CAMM is aging. Two missiles that, from all I can read from you guys, are infact competing with each other.
Wouldn't it be a little bit smarter to save your money and introduce a new missile when ASTER is in need of replacement?
My main point here is not CAMM vs. ASTER. CAMM is probably a very good missile. My point is that one should stick with as few as possible systems to get the job done (reduce complexity). And you do have ASTER all ready.
You're looking at this the wrong way. You're obsessed with Aster, & completely ignoring what CAMM is intended to replace, in the RN and other services, & where it is intended to be used.
The RN doesn't see Aster as anything to do with CAMM.
CAMM is a Sea Wolf replacement. Aster is an area air defence system. CAMM is intended to enter service when Sea Wolf retires. It's also a Rapier replacement, for ground-based forces, & features of it are intended to be incorporated into an ASRAAM upgrade or follow on. It will be suitable for fitting to auxiliaries, OPVs, etc., not just frigates. If we don't develop CAMM, we'll have to buy something else in the same class for the other uses, so we'll have the addition to logistics anyway.
Weight & space are not minor considerations on a warship. Would you, for example, try to fit Aster 15 to a Khareef corvette? Of course not! Now think of fitting Aster 15 to auxiliaries, amphibious ships, etc. Ooops! But if we have CAMM, we can, if we choose, fit that - because it takes up much less space, & is lighter.
As a Sea Wolf replacement, CAMM will be fitted to Type 23s from ca 2015 until they retire. That will be a relatively simple change. Fitting Aster 15 is, as you recognise, impractical. There is no cheap interim solution. VL Mica isn't cheap (CAMM is supposed to be significantly cheaper to buy). Any replacement has to serve for 15 years: we don't want a cheap, low-capability gap-filler.
Now do you see? You have to stop thinking about CAMM as an alternative to Aster 15. It's a
Sea Wolf replacement. There is no "rethink of RN's AD missile suite". In fact, adopting your proposal would require a rethink. The current plans are a continuation of current policy, upgrading in line with the way things are already done, not a rethink.
The RN doesn't see ASW ships as needing an area air defence weapon, such as Aster. So why buy the much more expensive, bulkier, heavier, system (Aster 15), taking up loads of space on ships that could be used for other weapons, just to get a bit more range which isn't seen as necessary? You can argue with their opinion, but given it, their choices are entirely logical. Stop looking at Aster & CAMM as competitors, & see them as complementary, & it all makes sense.
BTW, if the British government finances development of a weapon, it gets a royalty when it's exported, as well as taxes on any profit the manufacturer makes.