everything bar the nimrods AEW were a success. They did what was required of them. I think your judgment on those programs are unduly harsh especially program failures is not an exclusively British thing .Air launched Tomohawks are carried by the B52.
As to Watchkeeper I'll pass on the indigenous network and the technology thanks and just have the American UAV's which are available now, work and will (I'll be prepared to bet) be cheaper due to those massive production runs that you mention.
Some of Lewis views are extreme. I never argued for us having no defence industry, just for doing the things we do well and doing less of the things we are hopless at.
For example, Hawk trainers have been a tremendous export success with customers all over the world. That seems to me like something we should continue to do. Trying to build our own AWACS, UAV's, adapting an aircraft designed for low level ground attack into air defence, re-engining perfectly good helicopters (Apache), building medium lift helicopters that are more expensive than proven heavy lift helicopters etc. seem like things we should not do. The money we'd have saved would have enabled us to give the Type 45 the endless list of for but not with capabilities that would have meant it beat the AB hands down and even built enough of them to provide the hulls needed.
Lewis and others wouldn't be making the comparisons discussed regarding the T45 if we hadn't ended up with 6 ships rather than 12 (or 8), if they hadn't cost considerably more than budgeted, if they weren't years late into service compared to other nations next generation AAW vessels, if they actually carried the SAM's they need for their primary mission, if they weren't going to spend the early years of their life without the Co-operative Engagement Capability, if they had a land attack capability, an embarked anti-ship and anti-submarine capability and a TBMD capability. The National Audit Office as well as Lewis Page seem to think those issues represent one almighty mess at the end of over £6 billion of taxpayers money.
If you have a defense industry cost overruns and failure is part of having one otherwise you go MICOTS or COTS and except that you can have parts restricted at the will of the seller