No problem. That's what we're all here for. In any event, I dare speculate that the reason for merging them all into the UAC is because largely only Sukhoi managed to actually come out successful (in Russian aerospace industry) after the 90's. There is a reason Mikhail Pogosyan is now director of RSK MiG (previous one was sacked following the Algerian debacle
). The current UAC is sort of a bailout for the other firms. A way to potentially correct their inefficiency, without sacrificing them entirely.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Lol. I'm a communist. Roberto is not. If he was a communist, then his discussion of economics would rest on modes of production, and the relative historical stages that countries are in. To be honest I'm not sure what he is.
Sorry I didn't mean communists, I like them, the idea is good, so's the economic theory, it's human nature that lets it down. I actually meant he comes off as a crazy ultra-nationalist who might try and bomb the US for revenge.
...That or a massive troll who needs to get rebanned.
Japan had a car culture. They were the second largest buyer market after US for past 50 years untill China surpassed them couple years back.
Soviet Union didnot had car culture on that scale but now Russia had car culture. so whose living standards are improving.
Now lets look at something else that might have changed in Russia that has led to greater car ownership. How about access to the Western markets when the Soviet Union collapsed? Instead of having a choice of a few very poor cars, they suddenly had access to 100's of different cars, some good, some bad. That and capitalism has only really been kicking off in Russia for 15 years or so. That means that to compare Russian car ownership to Japanese car ownership is an invalid indicator of increased standards of living.
Why do u think Russia is energy independent but US is not. US certainly dont lack resources. why there is no new refinery in US. think harder you will get the answer. I am not going in into corporates hands in glove with Chinese for shifting jobs/technology.. Basic point is you cannot run country based on external resources and not effected by there influences which are negative. There are other complex differences that are reflected in policies.
Internal stability is not measured by number of protests in a country
There are other reasons for a lack of new oil refineries in the US, one off the top of my head would be an increasing trend to turn away from oil and towards alternative fuels.
Actually, number of protests is generally a very good indicator of internal stability in a country. The fact that there are so few in the US, even when they can freely do so, unlike in some other countries, where only the most serious issues will lead to protests out of fear of punishment, seems to indicate very high internal stability. If you were to look at the failed states index, which ranks countries on stability, Russia is much more unstable than ANY Western country.
It was Russian emergency minitry choppers that were lifting heavy cranes into mountaneous areas. Russia has unique advantage in medium to heavy choppers. Medium size powers cannot even afford there own choppers. You can see the Chinook import by UK.
I can only assume you're talking about the Chinook procurement issue we had a while ago. That had nothing to do with being unable to field enough helicopters (We have more Chinooks than anyone outside the US), that was to do with an inept procurement that meant a lot more money was spent than was necessary in to get them when they were needed. And can you name some medium sized powers that can't afford choppers? The issue is that they are unwilling to deploy them at extra cost in the case of a few nations in Afghanistan, not a lack of capability.
Reforms hasnt been done. But 1 million people fighting force will be available. Medium sized power cannot collect more than 100,000 fighting force from there societies before they collapse economically. They are on life support anyway.
Find one scrap of evidence to back that up. Go on, I dare you. Just because we choose to have a standing army of 100,000 doesn't mean we couldn't drastically increase numbers if necessary. Most armies are turning away from conscription for a reason too. The number of troops a country can gather doesn't account for that much anymore, it's how you use/equip/train them that matters. North Korea has a million man army, but I wouldn't put my money on them against 500,000 South Korean troops.