F-15, I really think you have missed the point of the IAR, a machine gunner generally fires in 5-6 round bursts, so with a 30 round magazine you have 5-6 bursts avaliabe, assuming they use 1 burst per door or window for supressive fire, thats effectivly a whole house that they can cover with one clip, now clip three mags together, and you have 15-18 bursts, with about 4 seconds down time...You have to remember that the US got through WWII with the BAR, essentially what they want is a superlight BAR that can be handled better in urban warfare, in the forest the minimi/SAW will still be king.
Also I think your reading too much into this purchase, I think this is a stopgap measure for the current war, they will find something completly different afterwards, why not let the troops decide for themselves...Infantry Automatic Rifle can turn into Interum Automatic Rifle quite easily