I'm not saying they're an AEW&C asset. I'm saying that in the absence of proper AEW&C they may have been used to provide air-space control capabilities where otherwise there would not have been any.
Comms disconnect, my reply was more to the other member who referred to them as operating like AWACs. That is fundamentally factually incorrect.
Certainly they can operate as a battlespace asset and vector in other assets on a limited basis, but so could Tomcats, so can Gripens, Rafales, Hornets, aerostats - and even more effective at this mission are the smaller weasels which are fighter based assets with another operator dedicated to that mission set.
autonomous radar sets (no matter how big and powerful they may be) are unable to operate effectively at the autonomous level (esp in the Mig25-31 series as they have inherent design liabilities)
Are they complimentary to the battlespace management role? - yes
Are they battlespace managers in their own right? - only in the crudest sense and against a limited capability set in the opposing force (and I'd suggest a relatively unsophisticated force). At a mythbusters level - NO