Maybe not JSF for Norway?
Hi I´m new to this forum. Have read most of earlier posts, many arguments are repeated. Thats natural since it´s a very long thread. Here are my thoughts regarding JSF and Norway; You have probably already read this from Bill Sweetman, aviationweek ARES blog: Makes Buyers an Offer They Cannot Refuse
Interesting. Maybe the JSF will not be as "cheap" as some people have hoped, and LO/Stealth profiles will not be same for all customers? Maybe top notch just for US/UK/Italy? Where does that leave Norway and Denmark? Without superior LO/Stealth the whole idea of JSF is just lost.
LO/Stealth configuration of today (F-22 / JSF) may not be that bullet proof in the next decade when deliveries of JSF have begun. As far as I have understood the concept of obervability, it also includes IR, sound, and visual parameters. Not just radar visibility. Not just front radar cross section. There are actually other angles and a large plane is just that, a large plane.
There is (was?) research going into technology that aims to obsolete radar stealth of today. Probably not just in Sweden but also in Russia and several allied NATO nations. This report is from Sweden:,15240,157743,00.html
As I see it the available statistics puts Gripen NG ahead of JSF in Air to Air performance; Higher T/W, and with that probably higher acceleration. Lower wing loading, and therefore most likely better turn performance. The JSF have never been intended as an Air to Air fighter, just as then JSF Project Director George Muellner described in 1995.
Gripen NG will be powered by GE F414G with thrust of 98kN, and Gripen NG´s Thrust/Weight (with 50% fuel) is ca 1.15 which is quite good. Evolution of the F414G will probably increase thrust by 20%, or by some sources up to 130kN.
That will increase Gripen NG Thrust/Weight so it is second to none but F-22.
When it comes to Air to Air armament it seems that Gripen NG will have superior weaponry compared to JSF with BVR METEOR missiles, (that do not fit into JSF internal Air to Air weapons bay), and WVR IRIS-T missiles. Both missiles aim to be superior to US AMRAAM and Sidewinders that will go on JSF. Both planes will have HMD´s.
The Gripen AESA will most likely not be as good as the AESA on JSF. Remains to be seen how much that will hurt in the end. Some say that dogfight is obsolete. If so, why do any fighter jet have guns? And that goes for F-22 alike.
The discussion in Norway is around this strike - or not strike - priority. Is it air policing or is it Air to Ground bomb missions in other countries that will be prioritized in Norway? And that goes for Denmark to, although they are more of a chihuahua lap dog and politics will play a key part in the Danish decision. No pun intended