That was the original question.
Dalregementet and haavarla, if you don't get it by now, there's no idea in elaborating.
The short answer to the question is: No!
Ehm yes you need to elaborate, your previous post. because it was so damn kindergarden lame quote, that is hard to take you serious.
1. do you actually believe Norway, will attack russia??
2, you think war is black and white? it far more things you need to take into consideration. in a senario like that. You cant after reading some info about the platforms tell how it will end. you do not have all knowledge because its highly classified in Gripen NGs case. and F-35 aint even oparational yet, neverless you don't have the proper knowledage to anylise the information, not to mentione how to plan and execute an oparation against Russian military bases. and because of F-35 enterence, all other plattforms are obsolete?
3,you think stealth is the holy grale? and that Gipen wouldnt be able to pull off an assignment like that? please elaborate. just because of external weaponbays?
please from now on, keep your armchair opnions to yourself. and try to be more serious..
I'm not saying Gripen is the right choice, maybe F-35 is.
but if we look at Norways requirements, militarybudget. and by looking backwards. i believe Gripen are equal as good choice for Norway. both platforms have advantages and disavantages, will be up to Norway to decide what they see as most important. but i can tell you. attacking Russia aint one of them.
Gripen passed all the requirements.