Russians officially confirmed 2 aircrafts lost. Rumors it is Su-25 and Tu-22, but here i cant find official confirmation.
Generally, Georgia is perfectly capable shooting down T-22M3. Especially, given russian urge to destroy as many targets as fast possible before likely cease fire, with insufficient aircraft forces, which leads to "thin" aircrafts distribution and weak support for bombing raids. All in all, i think it is right decision for russian airforce, even given higher risk.
(Almost) confirmed russian Navy ("Moskva" + Support) in Black Sea starting to moving from Sevastopol naval base.
Confirmed from all sides heavy russian bomber strikes against military installations all other Georgia.
As for ground forces situation... honestly i cant get good picture. Georgian medians are totally inadequate here, russian medians are much better but still have the habit to give day old information mixed with new information without explicitly differentiate it...
However, seems Ts'hinvali is not completely clear from Georgian troops, some of them remained there. Also seems they are surrounded. Reportedly, Georgian continue to use long-ranged artillery against russian troops around Ts'hinvali.
As i said, right now Russia dont have nearly enough ground troops there. Seems yesterday around 2 full battalions with support were deployed, now it should be somewhat more, probably up to 6-7 battalions total. Reports some battalions of 76 VDV division already deployed/deploying there.
From my PoV, after initial panic, Georgians realized how few russian forces really oppose them, and gained some courage.