Did you ever list the ORBATs of our neighbors? At least the types of systems they operate? I didn't see it.
Not the systems, only the units. Sec...
OrBat on Page 2 (Post #19), Systems below.
not putting as much care into these as for Blue, but roughly...
Green 1
Ground: 140 Leopard 2A4, 150 Leopard 1A5 (+130 stock), 240 Marder; 54 M109, 36 FH70, 36 M110, 18 M56, 32 LARS; 36 Jaguar 1/2, 50 Luchs; ~250 M113, ~100 Bv-206; 30 Roland, 70 Gepard, 50 Bofors 40mm/L70 (reserve), 60 Hawk
Helo: 37 PAH-1/Bo-105P, 31 Bo-105M, 22 UH-1D
Airforce: 48 Tornado IDS, 48 Tornado ADV, 24 Alpha Jet A, 17 Do-28, 18 C-160, 7 HFB-320
Changes: Additional systems as outlined for sale in stocks.
Green 2
Ground: 30 Leopard 1A5, 90 M48A2 (+50 stock), 72 Marder, 36 M109, 32 FH-70, 60 M113, 24 Hawk; 6 Lance SSM
Helo: 28 CH-53, 34 UH-1D
Airforce: 36 RF-4E, 3 Do-28, 2 Gulfstream III
Changes: M48 likely to be replaced by Leopard 1A5 from Green 1. Lance SSM most likely disfunctional.
Ground: 580 Leopard 2A4, 320 Leopard 1A5, 360 M48A2 (most stocked), 610 Marder; 250 M109, 100 FH-70, 100 M110, 80 LARS, 80 M101; 700 M113; 42 Hawk, 28 Nike Hercules (conventional), 64 Gepard, 82 Roland
Helo: 22 Sea King, 18 Lynx, 117 UH-1, 62 CH-53, 116 PAH-1/Bo-105P, 36 Bo-105M
Airforce: 68 F-4F/ICE, 30 RF-4E, 110 Tornado IDS, 50 Alpha Jet A, 42 C-160, 41 Do-28, 18 Atlantique
Changes: Nike Hercules being replaced by Patriot PAC-1