Not to beat a dead horse, but if we had Phalcon, we could detect aircraft from the closer bases as soon as they took off (assuming no terrain masking).
Yes, but show me a country other than Israel and Singapore (two of the wealthiest nations on the planet) of th esize of BLUE that has an AEW&C capability.
As for the Mirage 2000, it has never been developed for an air superiority fighter. Firstly only heavy fighters such as the F-15, Su-27, F-14 and MiG-31 are capable providing air superiority, otherwise it could also be won by a huge force of light fighters, but that will be only temporary and superiority would be very fragile. The Mirage 2000 is not a heavy fighter, it is even lighter than its counterparts. The 2000-5 is NOT an air superiority fighter, it is a multirole fighter with extensive fighter capabilities. It is NOT a high altitude fighter, this is where it stands a chance against F-16 for example. The greeks have proven that at their Air Combat Tactics Center.
As for th ecapabilities of the MiG-29 radars this is another nonsence. Tell me, how could anybody say it is better or worse when there are no great quantities (if there are any) in operational service? But there comes someone form, say Raytheon, or EADS, or whatever and says: "Why buy russian? It's cheap but doesn't worth a damn." And that's it it is not even proven but everybody takes that statement for granted.
As for the fighter competitors shortlist and the issue about operational doctrine:
Main Orange air bases are 200-300km away. When forward deployed for war aircraft will use bases 100km away from BLUE territory.
Erieye has a declared detection range of 350 km. I wouldn't bet on that. When it comes to marketing EVERYBODY exadurates. Nevertheless 270-280km is more probable. So you got a valluable asset which needs protection. You cannot divert fighters for that purpose, so the other option is to keep it away from the border, say 150km away. Wartime Orange bases fall on the edge of its capabillities that way. So anyway when Blue Air Force is capable to take actions the attackers will be around 50km from our capitol. Either way. In that case what do we need the AEW&C for?
In order to face that threat we need more units and airborne patrols even in peacetime. That means 2 squadrons. Ground attack capability doesn't stand a chance and will be moled by the superior Orange fighter numbers.
History shows that when a country chooses a fighter type for its multirole applications but chooses to put an emphasys on air defense and leaves the development of the ground attack capability it takes a military defeat for its planners to remember that. EW is needed, but I say we keep up to 5 business-jets stuffed with that equipment.
SAMs are definitely needed and that is the mobile type, as only it has survivability in the circumstances BLUE is put into.
The type I suggested has a firing range of 30km. As I recall types fyring over 50km are prohibited by treaty. So Patriot i snot an option. Hawk is far inferior compared to the Buk, but if you insist on it and put it on an MBT chassis I might settle for that option. Aspide does not provide u swith the same range, the same mobility and is a lot more expensive.
Take the Bo.105s. Yes, but we gotta keep in mind that they are a stopgap until something better comes down the road.
Medium transport helicopters: yes, up to 20 Mi-17-1V
It has unmatched capabilities and is a lot cheaper:
32 fully equipped soldiers or 12 casualties and medical staff or 4000 kg (onboard or on external load)
Armament 12,7mm MG
1500kg of ordnance on 6 pilons
up to 6 rocket launchers for 16x55mm rockets or 32x57mm
or 6 250kg bombs (could be flown in CAS)
or 2 gun-pods with 23mm guns
or 4 ATGM (a unique anti-tank capabillity)
Thus an airmobile capability is existant.
If russian avionics bother you in 1995 a westernised variant is in the making. We buy them and equip them with navigation system EDZ-756, meteoradar P700, altitude radar AA-30, combined radio-navigation complex VG/DG 14 and Primus II, Transcoil engine control system, Marconi doppler navigation system etc. IAR-330 is the absolutely lowest possibillity of the four here. Cougar is good, but it is not superior than the Mils. It is 2008 and I still don't see cougars deployed to Afghanistan for example. If it is really that good, how come? As for the Mi-17 it's combat proven all around the globe.
So I say a utility squadron of Bo.105s, a transport squadron of 6-8 Mi-17s and an airmobile operations squadron of 12-14 Mi-17s. I would like to see a squadron of AH-1Ws around 2005 if embargo is lifted.

Just the way I voted for that aircraft in another hypothetical thread I vote for M-28 Bryza as a light transport. Cessna 650 is also an option but we're talking about a really small country here. As for an improvised AEW it takes a whole lot more to develop such a type than just fit the system into the hull.
2-4 Hercules planes, aided by 3-5 CN.235. C-27J would be nicer but still it's 1995 for us. Some 10 M-28s to be used for transport, utility and liaison. Chartered heavy Antonov aircraft to bring in weapons when needed, I guess the IAP can support their operations once to three times a year.
Alpha Jets are old, Hawks are costly. Hawks are something like fighters and something like fighter-bombers and something like air interdiction aircraft, but not quite. So they definitely don't worth their money.
A joint training program with Green 1 and 2, which will include PC-9s, SF.260, AS.550 and Be.200? Any thoughts? It seems feasible to me.
After that Blue Air Force will take care of its pilots on the L-39s or 59s or 139s at home.
Ground Force Propositions
- rebalance to medium/light - too dangerous as all our neighbours have mechanised forces, and our terrain is not that adverse to help us out in that.
- peacekeeping equipment pool for heavy units - agree
- SF btl (Jon K, BuSOF)
- transform from existing light inf unit? - No, i'd say send the perspective young officers to the UK, RSA, France, Russia, Israel etc. for special operations training and then after the infantry veterans from bosnia come use them to form a new unit. Officers will also be used as instructors that way.
Armour Brigade:
- more/less Leos? - more if possible. Overall up to 180
- transform to MechInf Brigade? - name doesn't matter. You could have an armoured brigade with 2 tank and 2 mechanised infantry units, you could have a mechanised brigade with the same composition. As for the brigade structure you posted it looks OK to me.
- new IFV/APC? - yes, all amphibious and miltirole, to be used in a series of tasks.
ADA Regiment:
- merge with SAM structure, if those procured? (Air Defence Command) - absolutely
- reduce assets? (reduction to one SPAAG btl) - insanity
- note: MANPADS are present within this unit, i'd say around 70-80 teams - we need at least three times as much
Artillery Regiment:
- expand? - you've read my prepositions
- extended recon capability? UAVs? - would be quite handy
- replace MLRS? with what? (Astros-II up to SS-40? Russian?) second hand russian Uragan, if not available, then RM-70.
Border Guard:
- expand to 3-5 btl? - 4 field and 1 special is optimal number to me
- keep/merge MP? - If border guard expands fusion is OK, if not I wouldn's recommend that
- merge with some security assets? - military should eb kept aside from civil law enforcement
- pretty much keep as is?
- expansion of bridging capability? LCUs? - tank landing craft, so we could save the tanks if Orange pushes us to the river
- reduction of NBC capability? - keep an understrenght battalion
Territorial Defence
- keep as is?
- transform into National Guard essentially? (own medical/eng assets) - I agree on that[/QUOTE]