Something I would like to add:Do you honestly think i have a shot at getting in as a BM or they will simply look at the fact that i didnt get accepted as officer entry so thats it?
My thinking with this is that if i was suitable for officer then why not general entry.
Firstly, if you want to have a second bite of the cherry and go Direct Entry Seaman Officer, and you haven't sat a Seaman Officer board then you have a reasonable run-up, provided you meet the minimum marks for Direct Entry - check that out.
You are already trying your best to get in as such and all you have to tell them is that you really want to be a Seaman Officer and although you got disappointing academic results, you are going to work really hard at this. They'll probably ask you why you think you can do it seeing as you have been knocked back as not having the school marks. You need to defend that with appropriate proof of achievement elsewhere, or present an eloquent statement to convince them that you are prepared to work hard at this.
During the board, you need to be friendly, but show a good grasp of leadership. You need to be able to public speak at the drop of a hat, make an effort to take charge of anything that is going on (without being a douche) and to remain friendly, polite and smiling the whole time.
As for BM, you've got an easy entry there. Don't worry about being knocked back because you tried to be an officer and didn't make it. They won't draw a big fat red line through your application because you didn't make it in one area, they will be happy to find you a place elsewhere if you're still keen to get in. They'll still be rigorous about your application as always (you've given them some ammo), but they are happy to place you where they see you contributing.