I was actually talking about Norland, but the things I've put out could also be taken for the other country.
But I cannot agree with your weapon systems options. Both are very small countries, which means they don't have the budegt to field: FREMMs, Boxers, Strykers etc. To field a SP FLAK Gepard, which is based on a MBT chasis is to point an assault rifle at a tiger in a cage. It would be an easy target. So these things could be taken as plausibles. You probably think the ZU-23 is self-propelled, which is actually very compact towed piece and it could also be used in the land role with great success.
For the army units weaponry is really not as important as tactics and order of battle and foremost defense attitude among the people. You cannot strictly stay to NATO standarts for Bovania, when it is stated that it was close to the Warsaw Pact. That means it has weapons left from the Cold War. You could add NATO-standarts in some of the inventory, but not as a whole. We could agree that it is going through a transition, but it is not completed yet.
About the territory and population:
For Norland it is said it is mountaineous and has a population of roughly 500.000 people and covers an area of about 4.000 square kms.
For Bovania we have roughly 650.000 people and 3.145 square kms. I sugest we increase it to 5000-6000, otherwise it would be too densely populated and that would prove defense to be very hard.
From all the things said we know that Norland is very compelled to its neutrality and somewhat isolationist state with very strong banking system and trade. Bovania on the other hand seems to be to a minor degree expansionist toward Norland. Industry is not mentioned, let us suppose it has some small number of heavy industry factories.
For that professional armies don't work for such small states.
For Norland to be so devoted to its independence it means that it has to be on alert in all times. I agree that it would probably show Switzerland's attitude.
If it has a population of 500.000 it could have peacetime armed forces of about 5000 without difficulties. Afterall that is only 1% of the population. If tensions rise it could boost the force up to 3% of the population (that's 15.000 people) and in wartime the limit should be not more than 7% (35.000-40.000 people), that is only in case of war and that level shouldn't be kept too long.
So we're talking about peacetime. Of course for an island the most important thing is to withstand a landing (no matter amphibious or airborne). It is a small country and that means that early warning is crutial. To keep the opulation alerted a man in the reserves will be mobilized to a remote observation post on the island for 10-14 days say once a year. Those posts will be roughly of platoon size (20-30 men) armed with ATGMs, light MGs, grenades, recoiless rifles (1-2) and standing in contact with defense headquarters 24/7. It would be a good idea to establish them on hilltops. The UH-1 I talked about will support them.
Тhe small population is a serious problem and to cope with it you shoud put to use some radical measures. First of all every serviceman shoud be a warrior. That means that services, that are normaly public in other countries should be part of an Armed forces auxiliary. So a part of the national telecom should also provide signal support to the armed forces, same goes to the national airline, national shiping company if there is one.
Take the army. if we have 5000 peacetime force then the army will comprise probably about 2800 men. It depends on the history of the country, but if there is a fortress somewhere in the mountains then it shall be the main army base. It will house army HQ, army depot and the communications center. The main air defense assets will be deployed around it. Main combat force will comprise a reinforced battalion of roughly 1200 men, an artillery detachment of towed artillery pieces and an air defense detachment with assets spread across the island. It will provide AD only to the army. A special forces detachment of 200 men top will ahve extensive sniping and small unit actions training. They don't need para training and will not engage the possible enemy in direct actions. They also will not man the observation posts and will have customised vehicles like the G-Wagen with LMGs and observation equipment. A unit of not more than 100 men will be the MP and about 25-30 of them will guard the Governmental building. Logistics will be provided by civilian government agency which will be absorbed into the armed forces in wartime.
At any moment there will be about 700-1000 reservists pressed into action for the army.
The Navy: It is very important to clarify wheather Norland is self-sufficient on food and other critial supplies or has to import them. 2 examples: As you know Switzerland can provide itself the supplies needed (or food atleast) and The Netherlands at the time of the Dutch-English Wars wasn't. That is one of the major reasons it has lost them. It is important because in case is depends on import a sea blockade is another huge threat.
Suppose it needs vast imports. Then the navy's major task would be to secure a sealane to Sweden opened for civilian transport ships.
Let's suppose the navy has a strenght of 1400 men. Of those 60-70 will be a small unit of (20-25 combat frogmen also with mineclearing training and the others will be naval MPs). Base defense could be provided of a home-guard of up to 300 men outside of the 1000 counted. To be able to secure the island of a possible medium-sized blockade the navy needs: a corvette as a flagship (up to 100 men with Anti-ship missiles and some VLS air defense with IR guidance and a 76mm-100mm gun plus two MGs) 3 or 4 FAC-Missile (in that case the CB.90s with Hellfires will not be sufficent and I agree with you that the Gepard FAC class is very suitable, say 150-200 men) plus 3-4 Mine-sweepers and 1-2 minehunters, also to be used as frogmen support ships (also about 150 men). 1 or 2 logistical ships are needed. If there are funds for one bigger it could also be used as a command ship. If not they could be operated by the national shipping company and mobilized into the navy in wartime. 2-4 FAC-gunboats for patrol and fishery protection missions (about 100 men) will complement the naval units. Another 350 men will man shore facilities (two sea observation bases and 2 Anti-ship missiles permanent facilities, but the missiles will be able to be operated from mobile trailers. These 4 facilities could also be merged in two multirole facilities. One additional will provide signals support at the fleet HQ in the main naval base: 40-50 men. The observation stations, missile stations and the signals unit will be integrated in the joint defense mainframe to collect, provide and use centralised information concerning the defense situation). Another 350 men will act as the marines element and will man the Combat boat 90 units (about 8-10 boats). Logistics will be provided by the government agency already mentioned for the army.
The Air Force: around 800 personnel.
It HQ will be established at the country's sole international airport.
Tactical command center will be merged with the airport control into the nation's aerospace sovereignty center. Military part would be around 20 men and additional 20-30 men security/ MP force.
An optional air defense self-propelled detachment would comprise up to 20 launchers, 2-3 mobile radars and personnel of about 130 men. If not self-propelled static Missile air defense sites will comprise the same amount of personnel but will be more vulnerable.
As mentioned for the navy if the main threat is maritime blockade then M-28 Bryza will be the most important AF asset that will be tasked with providing OTH-spotting for the shore-based Anti-ship missiles as I said:
- between 3 and 5 maritime patrol PZL M-28 Bryza's (it can operate from field airstrips and has the same engine the PC-9 has, too bad it has no anti-ship missiles. So personnel will be about 50-60 men plus some naval officers onboard
- plus 2 to 4 more Bryzas for transport (not needed actually if you have a medium transport helicopter type)
- not to my liking but you can also change the armed PC-9s for some serious type of combat helicopter, say 8-12 Cobras. In that case you will be able to dump the armed EC.635s to 3-5 units for observaton and FAC tasks for the Cobras. That way you can settle for some trainer smaller than the PC-9, say SF-260 (3-4 units)
- 3-5 maritime AW139s
- 12-16 tactical helicopters with LMGs (10 AW139 would be nice, but UH-1H-II should do the trick aswell)
- rescue unit of up to 80 personnel (rescue divers/pararescue, medevac personnel...)
If you think the country has a well established fishery industry you can also provide 4-8 aircraft to the national airline or the fishery company that will be tasked with fish spotting for the traulers, but will also be able to provide SAR, sea observation and fishery-protection. More important they will support the armed forces without diverting precious manpower.
- amongst others 2-3 CN.295 in the national airline to save costs.
The national airline's main purpose will be to link the island to Sweden and will have mostly turboprops like the ATR.42, Be.200/1900, some passenger helicopters and 1-3 medevac aircraft. If the Government wishes it could provide funds for a small business-jet like a Cessna.650, but anyway I wouldn't suggest that. Another purpose of the airline will
be to provide logistical support to the AF and in wartime most of it will be absorbed into it.
Almost forgot. If there is a real threat of an invasion by Bovania then Norland will need an appropriate network of intelligence officers on its soil based in proximity to the ports and airfields to provide early warning and also in ports and airports in the countries related to Bovania to screen its actions. As traders are naturally suited for that task they still will have to keep their descent in secrecy and pretend to be from another countries not closely related to Norland. This is important as according to the info manpower of the bovanian armed forces is also not sufficient to mount an invasion without massive preparations and at that moment Norland will have to be alerted to take appropriate actions. Also Norland needs an assotiation aimed at providing the youth with the knowledge needed for the military service. It could provide survival courses, diving training, parachute training, first aid, seamanship etc.
But I cannot agree with your weapon systems options. Both are very small countries, which means they don't have the budegt to field: FREMMs, Boxers, Strykers etc. To field a SP FLAK Gepard, which is based on a MBT chasis is to point an assault rifle at a tiger in a cage. It would be an easy target. So these things could be taken as plausibles. You probably think the ZU-23 is self-propelled, which is actually very compact towed piece and it could also be used in the land role with great success.
For the army units weaponry is really not as important as tactics and order of battle and foremost defense attitude among the people. You cannot strictly stay to NATO standarts for Bovania, when it is stated that it was close to the Warsaw Pact. That means it has weapons left from the Cold War. You could add NATO-standarts in some of the inventory, but not as a whole. We could agree that it is going through a transition, but it is not completed yet.
About the territory and population:
For Norland it is said it is mountaineous and has a population of roughly 500.000 people and covers an area of about 4.000 square kms.
For Bovania we have roughly 650.000 people and 3.145 square kms. I sugest we increase it to 5000-6000, otherwise it would be too densely populated and that would prove defense to be very hard.
From all the things said we know that Norland is very compelled to its neutrality and somewhat isolationist state with very strong banking system and trade. Bovania on the other hand seems to be to a minor degree expansionist toward Norland. Industry is not mentioned, let us suppose it has some small number of heavy industry factories.
For that professional armies don't work for such small states.
For Norland to be so devoted to its independence it means that it has to be on alert in all times. I agree that it would probably show Switzerland's attitude.
If it has a population of 500.000 it could have peacetime armed forces of about 5000 without difficulties. Afterall that is only 1% of the population. If tensions rise it could boost the force up to 3% of the population (that's 15.000 people) and in wartime the limit should be not more than 7% (35.000-40.000 people), that is only in case of war and that level shouldn't be kept too long.
So we're talking about peacetime. Of course for an island the most important thing is to withstand a landing (no matter amphibious or airborne). It is a small country and that means that early warning is crutial. To keep the opulation alerted a man in the reserves will be mobilized to a remote observation post on the island for 10-14 days say once a year. Those posts will be roughly of platoon size (20-30 men) armed with ATGMs, light MGs, grenades, recoiless rifles (1-2) and standing in contact with defense headquarters 24/7. It would be a good idea to establish them on hilltops. The UH-1 I talked about will support them.
Тhe small population is a serious problem and to cope with it you shoud put to use some radical measures. First of all every serviceman shoud be a warrior. That means that services, that are normaly public in other countries should be part of an Armed forces auxiliary. So a part of the national telecom should also provide signal support to the armed forces, same goes to the national airline, national shiping company if there is one.
Take the army. if we have 5000 peacetime force then the army will comprise probably about 2800 men. It depends on the history of the country, but if there is a fortress somewhere in the mountains then it shall be the main army base. It will house army HQ, army depot and the communications center. The main air defense assets will be deployed around it. Main combat force will comprise a reinforced battalion of roughly 1200 men, an artillery detachment of towed artillery pieces and an air defense detachment with assets spread across the island. It will provide AD only to the army. A special forces detachment of 200 men top will ahve extensive sniping and small unit actions training. They don't need para training and will not engage the possible enemy in direct actions. They also will not man the observation posts and will have customised vehicles like the G-Wagen with LMGs and observation equipment. A unit of not more than 100 men will be the MP and about 25-30 of them will guard the Governmental building. Logistics will be provided by civilian government agency which will be absorbed into the armed forces in wartime.
At any moment there will be about 700-1000 reservists pressed into action for the army.
The Navy: It is very important to clarify wheather Norland is self-sufficient on food and other critial supplies or has to import them. 2 examples: As you know Switzerland can provide itself the supplies needed (or food atleast) and The Netherlands at the time of the Dutch-English Wars wasn't. That is one of the major reasons it has lost them. It is important because in case is depends on import a sea blockade is another huge threat.
Suppose it needs vast imports. Then the navy's major task would be to secure a sealane to Sweden opened for civilian transport ships.
Let's suppose the navy has a strenght of 1400 men. Of those 60-70 will be a small unit of (20-25 combat frogmen also with mineclearing training and the others will be naval MPs). Base defense could be provided of a home-guard of up to 300 men outside of the 1000 counted. To be able to secure the island of a possible medium-sized blockade the navy needs: a corvette as a flagship (up to 100 men with Anti-ship missiles and some VLS air defense with IR guidance and a 76mm-100mm gun plus two MGs) 3 or 4 FAC-Missile (in that case the CB.90s with Hellfires will not be sufficent and I agree with you that the Gepard FAC class is very suitable, say 150-200 men) plus 3-4 Mine-sweepers and 1-2 minehunters, also to be used as frogmen support ships (also about 150 men). 1 or 2 logistical ships are needed. If there are funds for one bigger it could also be used as a command ship. If not they could be operated by the national shipping company and mobilized into the navy in wartime. 2-4 FAC-gunboats for patrol and fishery protection missions (about 100 men) will complement the naval units. Another 350 men will man shore facilities (two sea observation bases and 2 Anti-ship missiles permanent facilities, but the missiles will be able to be operated from mobile trailers. These 4 facilities could also be merged in two multirole facilities. One additional will provide signals support at the fleet HQ in the main naval base: 40-50 men. The observation stations, missile stations and the signals unit will be integrated in the joint defense mainframe to collect, provide and use centralised information concerning the defense situation). Another 350 men will act as the marines element and will man the Combat boat 90 units (about 8-10 boats). Logistics will be provided by the government agency already mentioned for the army.
The Air Force: around 800 personnel.
It HQ will be established at the country's sole international airport.
Tactical command center will be merged with the airport control into the nation's aerospace sovereignty center. Military part would be around 20 men and additional 20-30 men security/ MP force.
An optional air defense self-propelled detachment would comprise up to 20 launchers, 2-3 mobile radars and personnel of about 130 men. If not self-propelled static Missile air defense sites will comprise the same amount of personnel but will be more vulnerable.
As mentioned for the navy if the main threat is maritime blockade then M-28 Bryza will be the most important AF asset that will be tasked with providing OTH-spotting for the shore-based Anti-ship missiles as I said:
- between 3 and 5 maritime patrol PZL M-28 Bryza's (it can operate from field airstrips and has the same engine the PC-9 has, too bad it has no anti-ship missiles. So personnel will be about 50-60 men plus some naval officers onboard
- plus 2 to 4 more Bryzas for transport (not needed actually if you have a medium transport helicopter type)
- not to my liking but you can also change the armed PC-9s for some serious type of combat helicopter, say 8-12 Cobras. In that case you will be able to dump the armed EC.635s to 3-5 units for observaton and FAC tasks for the Cobras. That way you can settle for some trainer smaller than the PC-9, say SF-260 (3-4 units)
- 3-5 maritime AW139s
- 12-16 tactical helicopters with LMGs (10 AW139 would be nice, but UH-1H-II should do the trick aswell)
- rescue unit of up to 80 personnel (rescue divers/pararescue, medevac personnel...)
If you think the country has a well established fishery industry you can also provide 4-8 aircraft to the national airline or the fishery company that will be tasked with fish spotting for the traulers, but will also be able to provide SAR, sea observation and fishery-protection. More important they will support the armed forces without diverting precious manpower.
- amongst others 2-3 CN.295 in the national airline to save costs.
The national airline's main purpose will be to link the island to Sweden and will have mostly turboprops like the ATR.42, Be.200/1900, some passenger helicopters and 1-3 medevac aircraft. If the Government wishes it could provide funds for a small business-jet like a Cessna.650, but anyway I wouldn't suggest that. Another purpose of the airline will
be to provide logistical support to the AF and in wartime most of it will be absorbed into it.
Almost forgot. If there is a real threat of an invasion by Bovania then Norland will need an appropriate network of intelligence officers on its soil based in proximity to the ports and airfields to provide early warning and also in ports and airports in the countries related to Bovania to screen its actions. As traders are naturally suited for that task they still will have to keep their descent in secrecy and pretend to be from another countries not closely related to Norland. This is important as according to the info manpower of the bovanian armed forces is also not sufficient to mount an invasion without massive preparations and at that moment Norland will have to be alerted to take appropriate actions. Also Norland needs an assotiation aimed at providing the youth with the knowledge needed for the military service. It could provide survival courses, diving training, parachute training, first aid, seamanship etc.
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