Well, that question would be mostly about what you pack in/on them.
Meko A200 AAW: 40-cell VLS (32 SM2-IIIA, 32 ESSM); 8 Harpoon, 2 RAM launchers (42 RIM-116), 127mm gun, 2x Mk32, 2x MLG27; APAR+SMART-L or SPY-1F radar suite; medium ASW helicopter.
Meko A200 ASW: 16-cell VLS (32 ESSM, 8 ASROC); 8x Harpoon, 2x RAM launchers (42 RIM-116), 127mm gun, 2x Mk32, 2x MLG27; 2x medium ASW helicopter.
CG-47 (non-VLS): 2x Mk26 launcher (68 SM2, 20 ASROC), 8x Harpoon, 2x 127mm gun, 2x Mk32, 2x Phalanx; 2x medium ASW helicopter.
CG-52 (VLS): 122-cell VLS (eg 98 SM2, 24 ASROC), 8x Harpoon, 2x 127mm gun, 2x Mk32, 2x Phalanx; 2x medium ASW helicopter.
However, what should be taken into account is that even US cruisers never sail with a full missile complement.
For most duties, having 3-4 times the number of decent-quality frigates is worth quite a bit more than having only two cruisers (of which usually only one would be operational too).
Especially when you consider that both neighboring nations operate rather decent sub fleets. A single cruiser, even with some light missile corvettes around it, is relatively easy prey for a pack of 2-3 Type 209.