But you are right lets quit the semantics (and return to the thread title)...
I haven´t found anything about this years Red Flag (week 28-31). If anybody have missed that - Gripen will be there. Do anybody know/guess what other participant there are (maybe classified at this point, or?).
I(someone) have now received government confirmation on a GO for Red Flag participation with Swedish Air force Gripens.
The endevour will begin week 28 and end week 31. That is basically July which means this time it's not Alaska but in Nellis.. home base of the original Red Flag.
Unfortunately the list of participating air forces is classified at this time.
"Vid regeringssammanträdet den 6 mars 2008 togs beslut om att Sverige deltar i övningen Red Flag.
Om du skickar din adress så kommer en kopia på regeringsbeslutet på posten.
Swedish Ministry of Defence
Department for International and Security Affairs
Adress: Jakobsgatan 9, SE-103 33 STOCKHOLM
Phone: +46 8 405 26 87
Cell: +46 70 498 87 72"