Overlander, The Royal Navy hit problems in the mid 70's when Ark Royal went, it is wrong to assume that decline is something new.
We went to war in 1982 with 25 Sea Harriers which was a ground attack aircraft given a limited radar firing short ranged sidewinders, although the aircraft and its crews performed out of all expectations. It did have advantages specific to that conflict. Neither side had AEW, the Args had to fly a long way, the Args missiles werent that good, the RN had good naval fighter controllers giving them good vectors. Could even an Amraam armed FA2 hold its own against a similarly armed F16/F18/or comparible armed Mirage 2000, Migs etc today?I was under the impression that the Sea Harrier was maintenance intensive.
The disgrace is that we had a further 15 years of Tory rule and now 10 plus of labour but the Harriers and small carriers soldiered on with no replacement so we have been relatively weak in Naval airpower since the mid 1970's so the new carriers , despite your quibling will be a leap in capability, especially as over the 50 year life they will embark UCAV's to add some punch.
We have wasted god knows how many billions for arguably little gains in Iraq and Afghanistan, I suspect had we not, we would see the full planned 12 Type 45's more Astutes and More F35's but we swapped kit for 4 plus years of combat experience that will probably reap its own benefits.
Comparing WW2 is pointless, The Falklands war was the only time carriers were needed, is there another future conflict that we might face in the next 10 years where land based aircraft wont be able to cope? With limited budgets decisions had to be made, you need to be realistic , even the opposition parties are not committed more % of GDP to defence despite their talk.
I do see some promise for the navy in the announcement about territory claims in the news yesterday. The UK has submitted a claim on 1.1 million square Kilometers of sea bed around antarctica, plus more claims around the Falklands, Acsension, even the Bay of Biscay. As the race for fossil fuels hots up I think even our dimwitted politician will realise we will need a bigger navy to protect those assets.