Modernization of a land forces of Russia begins


New Member
In addition, Felgenhauer says the Russian military is in the awkward position of having money, but not the means, to buy the material it needs - in large part due to Russia's military doctrine, which forbids the defense ministry from procuring anything from abroad. He says only items made in CIS countries are approved for purchase.

Felgenhauer says this alone could seriously hinder Ivanov's plans.

Despite the substantial projected outlays, Russian President Vladimir Putin says his nation's military budget is 25 times less than that of the United States.

Looks like the Russians want to acquire weapons systems abroad!! :sniper
1. Felgenhauer meant components, not complete systems. It is already happening, e.g. thermals are partially purchased in France.
2. Felgenhauer is moron, dont believe ANYTHING he says - a rare gems in his writings did not worth a huge pile of shit.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
MOSCOW --- Russia has unveiled plans to replace nearly half the army's hardware by 2015. Welcomed by some as a long-overdue necessity, others question whether the plan can really be carried out.

Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov told lawmakers Wednesday the government planned to spend nearly $200 billion on the military upgrade. He said it would allow Russia to maintain its nuclear deterrent, while developing its conventional forces.

Ivanov told lawmakers the plan calls for the purchase of more than 50 new Topol-M missile complexes, 50 new bombers, and 31 ships. He said it also envisions fully re-arming 40 tank, 97 infantry and 50 parachute battalions - a level of purchasing not seen since the Soviet Union's collapse.

Ivanov said Russia's oil revenues now give it the chance to reach what he called, "a qualitatively new level in military procurement." At the same time, Ivanov voiced doubt that Russia's industry could produce the quality weaponry required by the Russian military.

Moscow-based Defense Analyst Pavel Felgenhauer says he shares the minister's concern. He says much of Russia's defense industry was lost following the collapse of the Soviet Union. What remains, he says, is not up to the task of making modern weaponry. Felgenhauer also foresees difficulties with procurement.

"They have grandiose plans of buying lots of new weapons, beginning from ICBM missiles [intercontinental ballistic missiles], to new guns and tanks. But there are problems," he said. "They are not sure what [the] prices will be because the process of procurement in Russia is totally secret, totally closed. Actually, the item prices of items procured are also secret. They are not reported at all to the public, which allows, of course, a lot of corruption."
Yep - The writing was on the wall for quite some time now, Western Europe is down sizing and Russia will rebuild her military to new threat levels again. I am quite sure that this will be the first phase, after this they will start adding more units to their structure. Due to the need of oil and natural gas in Western Europe the Russians will be able to ignore all European leaders complaints and concerns. Anyways this will be exciting to see what type of new vehicles and technologies that Russia will procure.


New Member
Object 195 is the next main battle tank you might also know it as the T-95. The BMP-4 is the BMP-3M with additional armour protection such as nii stal ERA blocks or ARENA/DROZD.
Have there been any solid reports on the T-95? It seems most information is just speculation. Is this a case of vaporware that will never see the light of day?


New Member
Have there been any solid reports on the T-95? It seems most information is just speculation. Is this a case of vaporware that will never see the light of day?
Sure it is not vapore in the sence what the tank is developed and more or less ready to production. But most likely it "will never see the light of day". It is not revolutionary enouth to warrant all costs associated with new tank in army. However, it MAY be offered for export - althou it us hard to find a costumer what will buy tank not in RUA service.


New Member
There are some really good rumours and reports that we may see the T-95 much better this year so keep a close eye :)


New Member
It is real rude from Russia officials for not leting any pictures of T-95 and having any considerations for thousands of fan just waiting to see just a pic or two from it. :)


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
There are some really good rumours and reports that we may see the T-95 much better this year so keep a close eye :)
And what do those rumors state that we will see, a prototype or a actual production model. I will not hold my breath that it will be revealed. The T-95 has been such a closed mouth secret that we can only speculate on the bloody gun caliber at this point.:unknown


New Member
We will most likely see the actual pre-series production vehicle. We were supposed to have it displayed by the end of 2003 but financial delays and budget shortcomings have severely delayed it. Bear in mind though that this tank is revolutionary.


New Member
What i meant by "not revolutionary enouth":

T-95 IS certainly revolutionary by design - i.e. unmanned turret, possbile 2-members crew, etc. But initial idea was to equip it with everything new - i.e. new gun, new autoloader, new ERA, new generation FCS, new guided missiles/shells. All these things are NOT ready yet. New generation ERA is not ready. New 135 or 152mm gun is not ready. New FCS is not even in sight - after all, RAMKA or the likes is installed on T-72/T-90 upgrade and is certainly not impressive enouth. New guided missiles are also not completely ready - partially due to TI issues.
As you see, in the sence T-95 is not even completely developed, not to speak about any pre-production variant.

Even with all old equipment, T-95 surery have great potencial and currently will be probably best tank in the world. It is good enouth for export, but is not enouth for domestic service.


New Member
" In Russia works on perfection of means individual equipments of military men are conducted. The commander-in-chief of a land forces of the Russian Federation Alexey Maslov has told, than scientists are engaged. According to the commander-in-chief, development of the complete set of soldier's equipment of the second generation which includes the fighting protective complete set, a perspective individual complex of arms and base elements of an information-aim instrument complex is conducted.
" Development of the perspective complete set of equipment of military men of the third generation on the basis of the newest design decisions, technologies and materials " in the near future will begin, - the commander has noted also.
Maslov has informed, that till 2011 is planned completely re-equiped more than 20 connections of the Land forces. Thus the big attention will be given to modernization of existing samples of arms both military technics and creation of a scientific reserve for transition to modern means of the armed struggle.
Meanwhile events on southern borders of the former USSR, on Near and Middle East, in the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries show, that the opportunity of regional conflicts now is kept. In possible war, Maslov as never earlier, joint actions of various kinds of armed forces and arms of the service to which should solve huge quantity of the most complicated interconnected problems will be pressed believes.
It also has declared, what even sea powers give a priority to a land forces, and has noted, that reliable defense of territory of Russia is possible in the event that in structure of its Armed forces there will be powerful Land forces. The commander-in-chief has informed, that in past to year a land forces of Russia have lead about 500 various maneuvers.
Besides a land forces have taken part in a number of the joint international doctrines had an antiterrorist or peace-making orientation. At the same time the commander-in-chief has informed, that the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation plans to liquidate a part of military higher educational institutions the nearest years, and remained to integrate. Thus high schools will equip all the newest samples of arms and training complexes. The new technics has already started to act in the order of military institutes ".

I hope my english not very bad.
Give it some time the Russian Federation is on a rebound of some sorts. If they were to make some military contracts with European defense agencies or even American defense contractors. Their land forces will greatly be upgrade from their cold war era weaponry since most of it is greatly obsolete. (And your English is quite fine.)


Banned Member
RuA morednisation

It seems that there is more wishful desire for some sort of Russian Army's resurgence then actual activities happening.

Most of what is being announced are really the absolute minimum in terms of programs to keep the defense industries going as valuable strategic concerns. Almost all major defense exporters do this, and some minor also.

The next Russian MBT, probably NOT a T-95, is a looooong way off from even pre-production.
Consider how many hulls Russia still has and that for the most part these are STILL very good tanks. A T-72 upgraded to T-90 kit is able to face almost any other tank IF the crew is professional and operates within a well 'oiled' force as a whole.

Russia's threats are not coming from either Europe (too many commercial ties now), the USA (who is in no shape to start a fighting war with Russia if it ever was), or Japan, the only other large country with modern MBTs.

That leaves China, but that theater is an entirely different strategic "kettle of fish", and I doubt that either quality or quantity of MBTs would decide that conflict. In any case, I doubt its in the Chinese plans for the next foreseeable future.

I think what happened is that someone in Kremlin has disclosed to Minister Ivanov a deep military secret that wars are won by quality infantry and not quantity of tanks. This is why the airborne and some infantry divisions and brigades are converting to professional personnel, and why it is the infantry that is getting all the new equipment. BTW the BMP-2 is a fairly good IFV in the right hands. Its not as heavy as the European IFVs, and still has lots of scope for development and upgrade.

If anything, the helicopters should receive priority since a good few of the Mi-24s airframes are getting very long in the tooth.
The AD assets are also not adequate, with many ZSU-23-4s still in the ranks, albeit with substantial upgrades, including fully digital systems.

There is also an effort to modernize the Russian Army's truck fleet with more fuel-efficient vehicles, but that is a lost hope given there are probably well over 100,000 all types in service.


New Member
I know certain people who have actually seen the T-95 and they say that it will enter production as soon as it finishes trials which should be a few years from now. I won't go into the specifics of the tank but nothing any country can put up against it will match it.


Banned Member
I know certain people who have actually seen the T-95 and they say that it will enter production as soon as it finishes trials which should be a few years from now. I won't go into the specifics of the tank but nothing any country can put up against it will match it.
I guess we'll have to wait.


New Member
I know certain people who have actually seen the T-95 and they say that it will enter production as soon as it finishes trials which should be a few years from now. I won't go into the specifics of the tank but nothing any country can put up against it will match it.

I'm going to manage my expectations until Uralvagonavod moves the T95 from a prototype to production model. :)

Potential is one thing, demonstrated capability is another.


New Member
t-95 or black eagle ?

i wanted to ask about the selection of the new mbt
which tank do u think russia will go for?

1> the t-95 with its unamanned turret is a taotally new concept but with the technological provess it can be accomplished . it will reduce the tank height and increase crew protection to a new lvl

2> but the black eagle also looks very cool the with its slick angled front end and its huge box like ass. i think this tank id moving away from russian norms and toward the western style mbt's. i hav also heard it will be carring a massive 152 mm main gun and the new cactus armour


Banned Member
i wanted to ask about the selection of the new mbt
which tank do u think Russia will go for?

1> the t-95 with its unmanned turret is a totally new concept but with the technological proves it can be accomplished . it will reduce the tank height and increase crew protection to a new level
Leaving aside the semi-mythical T-95, the unmanned turret is not a new concept. Most naval guns have unmanned turrets, so the principle is there. The issue is engineering, and materials.



Super Moderator
Leaving aside the semi-mythical T-95, the unmanned turret is not a new concept. Most naval guns have unmanned turrets, so the principle is there. The issue is engineering, and materials.

Indeed. And there are other unmanned MBT turret projects out there, some of which have got to the point of demonstrators working reliably enough to show to the public.

If the Jordanians (with a Swiss gun, & other components sourced from all over the place) can do it . . .


New Member
Leaving aside the semi-mythical T-95, the unmanned turret is not a new concept. Most naval guns have unmanned turrets, so the principle is there. The issue is engineering, and materials.

ya thts true , but how will tht affect the dimensions of the tank and weight
the navy unmanned guns hav to be reloaded from within the bowels of the ship . it not only requires space but also requires mechanism to trans port shells to the gun

does the t-95 hav an auto loading mechanism or a manual loader???