They might be interested, but France is a signatory of the MTCR, so won't sell it to them. The range is too long: breaches the treaty limit. They'd have to develop the technology for a cruise missile themselves, or buy it from a non-signatory....The Brazilians might be interested in purchasing the SCALP Naval cruise missile to deploy in these subs. ...
.I'm not really surprised that they're finally doing it.
Brazil has a treaty with the IAEA that they may explicitly nuclear propulsion for submarines since 1991. The program itself was already going on by then, and by 1995, about US$1 billion had been spent on developing nuclear submarine propulsion. In the original planning, the first nuclear sub was supposed to be completed by 1995, but building it has been constantly postponed due to technical and financial problems as well as accusations of corruption in connection with the program.
Brazil's current subs (all U209-derived) are a bit small for the blue-water patrol task they're given. They still want to double the number of similar-sized diesel subs however, in addition to the planned nuclear project.
The nuclear submarine project will first produce a diesel sub to test the indigenously-designed hull, then two more units are planned to be built with nuclear reactors. Or at least that's what they were still planning in 2004.
The hint at "French technology" in the article is rather interesting though, maybe they're planning to buy some French hulls and fit them with reactors. Wonder how well that'll work.
Brazil is also a partner of the MTCR. I was thinking of an export version that will be below the 300 KM range.They might be interested, but France is a signatory of the MTCR, so won't sell it to them. The range is too long: breaches the treaty limit. They'd have to develop the technology for a cruise missile themselves, or buy it from a non-signatory.
That's possible.Brazil is also a partner of the MTCR. I was thinking of an export version that will be below the 300 KM range.
That is the same question I had in mind. The whole South America region is relatively peaceful. Why of sudden develop SSN? Even if Brazilian wants maintain is military superior over nearby countries, will it be more logic to just increase surface naval strength instead SSN?.
brazil doesn't have any enemies off the soccer-pitch
why do they need a nuclear-sub??
it's nothing but pure- muscle-flexing !!
i think brazil has taken the idea of being south-america's only potent military-poer , a bit too seriously.
kindly elaborate on the brazilian programme , if posisble.
I highly doubt that they have Nuclear Weapons but they have the technology base where if they choose to build the bomb, it wouldn't be very diffucult.who's next brazil have nuclear weapon
.who's next brazil have nuclear weapon