New Version Of AL-Khalid MBT Soon


New Member
A member Of Pakistani Defence Forum had recently visited the HeavyIndustry Of Taxila near Islamabad where Al-Khalid Is manufactured and he tells some exciting news.Apologize me If it is already told in some other manner or I am posting a new thread.Consider As a mistake of a new comer :unknown :unknown

The Next Al-Khalid:

- The upgraded version of Al-Khalid will be called Al-Khalid-1

- Trials of AK-1 should start InshAllah this summer.

- Production version Jan 2009 or 2008, I cant remember exactly.

- AK-1 has major upgrades in Electronics mainly. It will also have Automatic gear. The plan is to keep the same Ukrainian engine and 125mm gun.

- The reason we are not making engines in Pakistan is simply because all the R&D and assembly for the current batch of 300 is not Economical. Our people are perfectly capable.
We are doing smart work, let others spend 30 years making tanks the 'hard' work way.

- Al-khalid current production rate is 1 per week. This can be doubled by double-shifts.

- Around 200 Al-Khalids have been produced, the order is of 300. So ~100 remaining.

- Al-Khalid's gun at 14 degrees above can shoot football sized target at 14 Km! Thats right gentlemen, I made them say this twice! Thats the accuracy for you.

- Effective range against Tanks is 2-3.5km

- AK cannot fire ATGMs ;'(

- AK is using Chinese Composite Armor on all of the front side, that is in addition to ERA and Steel armour.

- AK's cost varies, ranges from $2m to $4m depending upon configuration.

- Alot of Tank manufacturing equipment has arrived from Europe, contrary to popular believe that its all Chinese. You need accuracies of upto 100th of a millimetre. I'm not saying Chinese equipment cannot do this.

- AK trials included 20,000 km of testing and firing of around 1000 rounds.

- Al-Khalid acceleration in 10 seconds is 0-~40km.

- Saudi Al-Khalid deal is ~~~ It has not materialised so far. But it is not off the table either.
The reason we are not making engines in Pakistan is simply because all the R&D and assembly for the current batch of 300 is not Economical. Our people are perfectly capable. We are doing smart work, let others spend 30 years making tanks the 'hard' work way.
This is the way to go for a country like Pakistan. There is no need to reinvent the wheel and do everything themselves. Concentrating on improving what is working is a better strategy.

MG 3

New Member
Give the guy a break ppl. Sounds like a kid who went on a field trip recently.

On a more cerious note I have personally seen it hit tank sized tgts at around 3.5km. Above that the hit probability drops a bit but plus 4.2 it really starts to suffer.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Ok, maybe we are too harsh. :eek:
But we have such statements so frequently that sometimes I am tempted to make fun of it. ;)

On a more cerious note I have personally seen it hit tank sized tgts at around 3.5km. Above that the hit probability drops a bit but plus 4.2 it really starts to suffer.
That's a MUCH more reasonable statement and is along the lines of other MBTs performances.

As always terrain and penetration is a much bigger problem than accuracy over big distances.
The question is normally if I get to see the enemy at big ranges and if I am able to penetrate him frontally at this range and not if my FCS is able to get an accurate fire solution. :)


New Member
He is polite, which is more than can be said from some other posters here. Of course we are all over the moon when our own country upgrades it's military hardware, we don't need to drag it into a pissing competition.

I don't know what Saudi uses at the moment, probably as much depends on whether existing is 120mm western or 125 Russian based. Remember the days when the soviet union could field 50,000 tanks, at 1 a week it would take 1000 years to replace them all, hmm. Couldn't help myself :p

Welcome to Defencetalk Seaprince.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
The Saudis use 120mm in their Abrams and as well as 105mm in their M60s and AMX-30s.

What does the Sovjets have to do with it? The possible enemy of Pakistan is India which fields large quantities of MBTs.
They are not the Sovjets but Pakistan is also not NATO in terms of defense capabilities.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro

Please do not take it personal, we were just having some fun.
welcome to Defence talk.


New Member
What does the Sovjets have to do with it? The possible enemy of Pakistan is India which fields large quantities of MBTs.
They are not the Sovjets but Pakistan is also not NATO in terms of defense capabilities.
The only potential threat that pakistan faces from Indian topnotch tank is T-90, and i believe both AL-khalid and T-90 are almost the same machines. and yes india does have large quantites of MBTs but other then T-72 and rusty T-55 the InA only has 410 T-90 vs 600 Al-khalid.
so by 2013 thats like in 6 years PA Al-khalid and InA T-90 inventory should look like this.

600 Al-khalid ------------------------------1400 T-90
400-600 new Al-khalid
later the older version ---------vs
should be upgraded to
Al-khalid II standard.
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Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Nobody really knows how many Arjuns (In any version) are going to be in service in some years.
And T-72s still are a threat. As long as I know India is going to upgrade them and with good ammunition the 125mm is going to be as deadly as the 125mm from T-90 or Al-Khalid.

They might not be the first line but in the end you just cannot not include them into a possible threat calculation.

And I think round about 200 Al-khalids have been produced till now. :confused:


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Looking at everything that India has in inventory Pakistan not only needs to worry about tanks but other weapons platforms, and the same can be said about the Pakistan military. It just will not be only tanks going at it and there are plenty of things out there that will kill tanks from both sides.


New Member
Nobody really knows how many Arjuns (In any version) are going to be in service in some years.
And T-72s still are a threat. As long as I know India is going to upgrade them and with good ammunition the 125mm is going to be as deadly as the 125mm from T-90 or Al-Khalid.

They might not be the first line but in the end you just cannot not include them into a possible threat calculation.

And I think round about 200 Al-khalids have been produced till now. :confused:
some say just to save them from humiliation 120 Arjun should be produced and heck even some INDIAN army general perfer T-90 over Aurjun due to project setbacks, delays and heavy weight which will perform miserably in Rajustan desert!
no dough the 1800 T-72 is a threat but then we have also got more advance 320 T-80UD, 320 T-85 and not better but still good enough newly upgraded 400-500 T-55 Al-Zarar with 125 mm gun!

about 600 Al-khalids are in the service and when i was in Noshara home to school of PAK artillery armor and aviation i always got the glimps of that beauty!


New Member
Looking at everything that India has in inventory Pakistan not only needs to worry about tanks but other weapons platforms, and the same can be said about the Pakistan military. It just will not be only tanks going at it and there are plenty of things out there that will kill tanks from both sides.
just in case war starts between the two, pakistan will use every single bullet to defend while india wont because China also apposes big threat to india. and not every military weapon they buy is to be used against pakistan, China is there too.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
just in case war starts between the two, pakistan will use every single bullet to defend while india wont because China also apposes big threat to india. and not every military weapon they buy is to be used against pakistan, China is there too.
Well with the kind of firepower that both sides have, lets all hope that nothing ever happens and both countries friendship can continue to grow.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
I'll second that. Welcome to DT, seaprince.

Btw, my "European vs North African" was a reference to Monty Python. In case it was a little thin. ;)
Just watched my favorite Monty Python movie the other day, titled The Holy Grail. I laugh everytime I see the cow launched into the air over the castle wall.:D


New Member
I am not sure of this but it is rumered that Turkey has taken interest in Pakistans Al-Khalid tank and wants Pakistan to work with them on a next generation tank. Again this is just a rumor:unknown :unknown .


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
i really hope the new Al-khalid comes out with new design.
I actually like the fact that the hull is bigger than traditional designed Russian tanks, China and Pakistan hit it right with the capability of going to a bigger auto loader in the hull thus longer KE penetrators. This should also help if they decide to go to a bustle mounted auto loader or to a bigger gun.