A little bit of home work...
What is important to take into consideration with the Barracuda program is the technologic aspect of it.
During hard yearly negotiations with the industry, the last of which took place in 2006, DGA made clear to the that they wanted a significant technologic gains.
With these SSNs, better value for money was requiered, not only "Off the shelf" from the previous generation, this caused the 3 years program delays and the prolonged feasability studies during which a few configuration were proposed.
The goal was (openly) to avoid the problems encoutered by the Rafale program which systems obsolescence dues to lenghtly developement time were causing a substantial increase in cost.
So while some existing system architectures are retained because they are relatively new, at their heart it's all going to be the latest newbies.
According to the document ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE N° 2627, PROJET DE loi de finances pour 2001 (n° 2585) from 11 october 2000, Barracuda then known as "programme de sous-marin d'attaque futur" (SMAF) have seen a heavy feasability studies revision with contract originaly scheduled for 2003 and service delivery 2010 then 2012.
A NAVAL version of the SCALP was also perceived as a necessary capabiltiy, it is now classified as MdCN (missile de croisiere naval) dy DGA.
Reactor and Propulsion.
The reactor is of the K15 family but NOT that used by the TRIOMPHANT class or CdG.
Weither the Astute uses a SSBN reactor (a Vanguard-class Core-H PWR 2), Barracuda reactor is of a new design, sized for its hull, using more advanced technologies than the previous generation of K15 equiping French SNLE-NGs.
Developement of the K15 family dates from <> 1986, this new reactor was only developed from 2003 onward.
The contract for the Barracuda reactor was passed by DGA to AREVA TA and DCN in December 2006, for an adaptation of the K15 equiping the SNLE-NGs and CDG.
A technology demonstrator have been runing for <> a year in a new-built (from 2003) facilities.
It was not designed for a 30 years life unrefueld autonomy, instead, it is conceived for the use of the SAME grade of fuel than the EDF (CIVILIAN) reactors, and is in compliance with the latest safety and environmental regulations (MARPOL), it still have been designed with an autonomy of ten years in mind.
Autonomy, maintainance, quieting and new "Supercruise" design were among the requierements, and the first operational reactor is scheduled for start in 2014.
The propulsive system is of a new, "hybrid type":
Optimised for higher silent speeds, using a combined electric, a turbo-electric layout and pump jet.
Advantages are obvious, simpler design, higher power output for a lower energy consumption, significant reduction of the system total mass.
Hull and hydrodynamics.
Considering its futur role and MN mission requierements, barracuda design phylosophy is similar to that of the USN Virginia class, with clear demands on shallow waters operations capabilties from the outset including special ops.
Note that the latest isn't necessarly reflected in the hull design of Astute for example, which basic design is that of the Trafalgar class with an enlarged hull to accomodate the larger reactor.
There was no requierements for a higher maneuvrability which was one of the Virginia class and is part of that of Barracuda.
This is reflected in its design, in particular the X-shaped control surfaces similar to that fited to the Sweedish A-19 class and providing with increased control authority, DCN proposed configuration ressembles that of the Virginia.
It will be equiped with a non-penetrating optronics periscopes designed by Thales/Sagem.
Weapon and combat systems.
Barracuda is designed around a requierement for 75 days of autonomy.
Weapon load is sized for this mission length, and as DoC_FouALieR have already established it posses four torpedo tubes and will carry a total of 20 weapons.
All weapons including those aimed at ground targets will be tube-launched.
The Combat Management System is derivated from the SYCOBS, which was originaly developed in replacement of the SNLE-NG SET system.
This upgrade was made necessary by the introdution of the new M 51 SLBMs.
SET was fited to all MN SNLE-NGs and only the S619 LE TERRIBLE will be equiped with SYCOBS from launch, it will be retrofited to the remaining boats later.
Barracuda Combat Management System will be sharing SYCOBS architecure and also have much in common with DCN (Scoprene) Subtics CMS.
Barracuda sonars will be bow, flank and towed arrays.
Communication includes: Link-16, Link 22, SATCOM (SYRACUSE II).
Internal communication is by Optical-fibre transmission.
About the weapon load:
France have long been an advocate of multirole assets and high degree of flexibility.
Barracuda is regarded as the "Omnirole" submarine.
If it isn't equiped with vertical launchers, its weapon capabilties are no lesser, for example, although perhaps not as capable as a SCALP NAVAL, the new generation Exocet (and sub-launched versions) MM40 Block3 have a 180 km range and ground target capabilties.
Vertical launchers were disregarded as being too costly and heavy and as weapon capabilties increased with new modes the need for this arrangement was quiet low.
A submarine-launched version of MBDA-France MICA is also proposed and was displayed on MBDA stand at Eurosatory a couple of years ago...
DoC_FouALieR Personnaly I think we could evolve.
I desagree here, remember that France have the FULL capabiltity to design, build (and sell for the last type) SSBN, SSN and SSK from A-to-Z, even the French industrials want to retain this capability.