We propose this morning to discover, ahead first, Marlin to you, new underwater of attack conceived by DCN. Drawing its name from a fish of the Indian Ocean, this ship, derived from Scorpène, studied in common with the Navantia Spaniard, will be exclusively intended for the market export. Paris and Madrid, which have for the moment sold 10 Scorpène in Chile, Malaysia and India, indeed decided to propose, each one on their side, a purely national product. After the S 80 Spanish, DCN thus puts on line Marlin. Of a 75 meters length for a displacement of 1850 tons in diving, Marlin is proposed directly with the system of propulsion in closed loop (AIP) MESMA, developed by DCN propulsion and installed for the first time on Hamza, third Pakistani Agosta 90B, launched this summer in Karachi. Compared to this building, whose MESMA runs on ethanol, the AIP of Marlin will run on the gas oil, which will make it possible to have only one type of reserve fuel, feeding at the same time this system, but also the diesel engines. Compared to the traditional propulsion, the AIP increases considerably the autonomy of the submerged submarine, passing from four to five days, with nearly three weeks. But, although representing a technological jump some, the system of propulsion in closed loop have to him also its limits. Usable for the patrols, it can only be with difficulty put in Suvre for the transits, especially when they are long: “with the AIP, once the reserves with oxygen or hydrogen emptied, it is finished. Thus if the ship is not basiquement a good submarine, one does not go well far”, underlines a specialist.
Heir to Triumphing and predecessor over the Barracuda
In addition to the MESMA, the building was thus equipped with a powerful motorization. For the transits in traditional mode of propulsion, the power of its diesels enables him more quickly to reload its batteries, which is presented by DCN as a true commercial advantage compared to its competitors, like type 212/214 German. Outside, the principal difference of Marlin compared to Scorpène will lie in the adoption of diving ruders in the shape of cross of Saint Andre. This device, which will be taken again on the nuclear submarines of attack of the Barracuda type, allows a better maneuverability. Although resembling SNA of the type Amethyst, Scorpène, which is used as a basis for Marlin, “must more with Triumphing than with the Ruby from the point of view structures and technology. Its capacities of detection are exceptional, it is fast and quiet at raised speed”, explains a close relation of the file. Equipped with a system with combat SUBTICS and new very effective bases sonar, even at high speed, Scorpène, like Marlin, constitute, according to DCN, a technological jump ergonomics data processing. The innovations installed on Scorpène, in particular as regards piping or wiring, will be taken again on Marlin, as the Barracuda. Oceanic ship, Marlin will be equipped with anti-ship missiles Exocet SM 39, heavy torpedes and, possibly, mines. For DCN, this new product is not a substitute of Scorpène. “This last must remain in the offered line of goods”, ensures one at the industrialist. A first contract with Pakistan is hoped. Islamabad must make its decision at the end of the first six-month period 2007.