I'm not sure Saudis control their airspace very tightly despite their very good F15s. Though the Persian Gulf is very crowded with USN jets off Bahrein and carriers. So I'd go for the first route through Jordan and northern Iraq.
1981 was a lifetime ago. The Israelis surprised everyone with that attack, including Israelis. The 2nd time around wont be a surprise. Not just that but the hostile countries they will over fly, "and I define hostile as those who would shoot at them, have much better air defense systems and assets, including Saudi AWACs. The F-16I's and F-15Is of the IAF, while having better components then earlier versions, are still basically the same aircraft. They are not stealth and would have to fly nap of earth to avoid detection. And maybe even at night.
Mind you I believe Israel has every right to attack and should! Ive been saying for years America cannot allow Iran to become a nuclear power. All I'm saying is Israel would have a very difficult time significantly degrading Irans program. Its just a far different animal then what Iraq was in '81. And dont forget, if Saddam didn't start the Gulf was he would have still gotten nukes sometime in the 90's. The result of the '81 Israeli strike was that Iraq dispersed their program in much the same way the Iranians have in recent years. Further the Iranians have invested in some pretty good SAM systems. They still have HAWK batteries and lately have purchased Tor M1 batteries. Add to that Rapier, SA-6s, and SA-5s, and they dont have a bad capability.
I dont think landing on a US CV is going to happen anytime soon. A pilot just doesn't up and decide to land on an aircraft carrier. It takes a lot of training and practice, both of which on US CVs probably couldn't remain secret. If we were going to go that route we'd probably just attack Iran our ownselves. Besides we dont even make 16s and 15s to land on aircraft carriers so I dont know where the Israelis would get the parts needed even if it could be done.
What it would take ,I believe, is a sustained American effort. But listen, if you want a good

nfloorl: just read the articles of the UN sanctions on Iran.
http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/sanction/iran/2006/resolution1737.pdf If you want I'll cut it down to a few sentences for you. basically the UN is saying Iran cant import or export anything related to their nuclear weapons program. Thats it! Thats the sanction.

First off they have all they need anyways, most of which they never bought legally in the first place, instead relying on the Khan network and who knows who else. onfloorl: