Which is the best army in the world?

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New Member
Awang Se wrote :
My friend in the Malaysian army rifle platoon have something to say about US army. In the recent training with US marines, they found something in the marines that they dont expect to find in the marine force recon. For example, once they shifted from open area to heavy jungle environment, they began to come close to each other. eventually they don't want to loose sight of their comrades. this make them vulnerable to ambush. My friend was quite impressed with their individual communication gear (something that we only dream to have) but instead they failed to used this to the advantages. maybe this marines is a rookie.
U maybe right, maybe those marines is a rookie, but with some combat experiences with the individual comms. they can be deadly after a while. (that is why they do a joint training with us).

They already have good technology with them. If they already exposed with the environment plus with good exposure and experience, I believe it will be a fatal one to the enemy. In Vietnam war, this statement is stand, US win a battle but lose a WAR.

In conclusion, US Army still the best in term of their equipment and training.

I also agreed that education also play a vital role to enhance the effectivenss of the army. Malaysian army already in the right steps towards improving military education when Malaysian Military Academy (ATMA) will be upgraded to university status. This is a long term strategy to provide the military of better education. :)

This is an impetus towards creating an Army with the right knowledge in this complex and advanced environment. We need brain and brawn in modern army. Bravery is something to be proud of, but to say that a brave soldier is better that skilled one is something that need to be carefully judge. ;)

One more thing, a succesful spec ops always rely on a very good infrastructure to support the operation. Either technology or human, spec ops require a first hand info to enable them to execute any of their ops with pin point accuracy.

US Delta always have the ability to conduct their operation globally within 24 hours notice compare with other army spec ops. This is because they have the right tools and the right technology. The best part such spec ops require so many people behind (more than 100 maybe??) eventhough the real operatives maybe around 4-6 people.

An individual soldier is a human being, irrespective of races/religion properly train and equip with proper weapons, they can be a good soldier. That is how the best army is born. :smokingc:


New Member
personaly i think the best fighters in the world are the Gurkhas, they have a natural killing instinct, but the best soilders are that of the US
simply becouse they have everything to their disposal, i.e best weapons, support etc


New Member
though i still think diffrent armies have diffrent Specialties, for example the british are the best in humaniterian operations while i think the indian and nepalease armies are one of the best in high alltitude / jungle warefare


Banned Member
PJ-10 BrahMos,
It doesn't matter if they're the best at a particular thing. Oh and Vietnam will disagree with your estimates. But nevertheless the best army overall is being counted. That ain't India :)sad:) or Nepal, but is the US.


New Member
Doesn't not make any difference which is the best army. you could only find that out once they battle each other, and one is going to say the best army is from their country.


New Member
Current state of affairs, US army is the best no matter how many 'buts' and 'ifs' you may want to add. End of story! :cop


New Member
If in open war field, the US win for sure!

For urban or jungle war also the US can win if...
They destroy every building or burn the jungle...

US have better sniper, air support (Apache, no airforce involve here)
after the US defeated you, you pay the bill....for everthing...


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
after the US defeated you, you pay the bill....for everthing...
Not exactly true. The US rebuilt Japans economy. One of the reasons why Japans economy is so strong is that they never had tp pay for defence for many many years. The US guaranteed their defence. So for 30-40 years Japans was able to spend money on the economic development of the nation without incurring a defence spend debt. Ditto to some extent for Germany in the very early years.

It's not normal for the victor to rebuild the defeated. In fact the US was the first nation to counter that trend. In prev wars (prior to WW2) the premise was to cripple the loser financially with reparations to ensure that they were not in a position to wage war again so quickly. Arguably, one could argue that the French insistence on Germanys repayment process post WW1 was the catalyst for WW2.

There are obviously examples which do not continue to promote the trend, but notionally war is a double expense item now, you pay to win, and you pay when you win. You need to look at modern battles and outcomes.

The economics of war is not as simple as you portray.


New Member
Wrong! US need Japan as the front base to block the communist from middle, which south korea in the north and taiwan in south.

these 3 region is the chain front base to defence again communist.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Deltared075 said:
Wrong! US need Japan as the front base to block the communist from middle, which south korea in the north and taiwan in south.

these 3 region is the chain front base to defence again communist.
No disrespect intended, but I guess you have yet to study the geopolitics of the post war years, either that or you are saying wrong to a completely different post.

The US paid for Japans defence in money and equipment for about 30years. That was deliberate. I am at a loss to understand your which bit you don't agree with.

The issue of Japan acting as a buffer to China has nothing to do with the topic in question or the prev response about the victor paying for the upkeep of the loser.

Name me any other military since the beginning of recorded time that paid for the defence of the loser and maintained them as an autonomous state.

Aside from that, we're way off track on the original topic starter.


Banned Member
US has to be commended for the terrific job it did after the WW2. US must have felt a bit of guilt beause they exploded the nukes, but still they have surely contributed to Japan after the war.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Deltared075 said:
If that's your answer in response to:

Name me any other military since the beginning of recorded time that paid for the defence of the loser and maintained them as an autonomous state.
then you have misunderstood the question.

What country has Iraq paid for their reconstruction when they won a battle?? They sure didn't do it for Iran as it was a draw. They haven't won anything else.

They certainly didn't do it in biblical times (assuming that you want to use the geographical start point as a notional country), the policy then was to raze the enemy structures to the ground.


New Member
Sorry, misunderstoood your question.

I mean Iraq have to pay the US for it owns reconstruction after the war.
All the reconstructions are using Iraqis money and all are going into US porket.


New Member
Deltared075 said:
Sorry, misunderstoood your question.

I mean Iraq have to pay the US for it owns reconstruction after the war.
All the reconstructions are using Iraqis money and all are going into US porket.
there was not much there before the americans came, except the lavish pleasure palaces of that brutal mass-murder dictator SAddam,, Yeup those Palaces are in mint conditions acting as town halls for the INterm Govt and Coalition elements, they make a lousy house to clean but they do make nice defendable forts, the point is that there was very little in iraq prior to the attack, all of the infrastructure was wasted during the first gulf war (when the saddam had a "fit" and went on invading its neighbors) and the rest was wasted during the ten year, hard hitting sanctions.


New Member
It true, but why all recontruction contractor only have US firm and most of them in oil industrial? Iraqis really dun need them.

Do you really think the Iraqis peoples so stupid cannot build it own countries? i mean oil industrial, school, hospital, heavy industrial? Iraq peoples can do this their own. Why need the US? beside the US only want to pump more oil to export to reduce the oil price in the market.

what else they had done for the Iraqis? I wonder....

Aussie Digger

No-one's suggesting Iraq COULDN"T build their own hospitals, schools etc. But the fact is they can't do it as quickly as contractors from the US/UK etc. For starters much of the money for this is coming from international aid. Countries have learnt that International aid money that is not managed properly inevitably ends up in somebodies pocket and does not go to the projects it is designed for...


Banned Member
If the coalation leaves Iraq .. Iran will start an covert invasion, and kurds will start creating their own kurdistan; and Iraq will be a total mess and terrorist heaven.


New Member
You have to live with the americans and live like them to understand them---I have lived in this country for 20 plus years and I would say without any prejudice that there are no other people on the face of this earth like them who would let you do whatever you wanted to achieve your dream. There would be restrains if you get carried away a wee bit.

Now, if you don't want to understand them, that is fine and you can still live freely, happily and do your thing and be what you want to be.

U S has definitely screwed up in Iraq------their biggest screw up was when they let the iraqi soldiers go home after cease fire-------that was the biggest blunder there ever was--------these conscripts should have been kept in barracks---paid well and put to work to rebuild the nation------that was a major major F***up all the way. The second one came when the police recruits under traing walked out for being underpaid-------

But the bottom line is if you know how to, then you can make the U S pay for you, your family, your first and second cousins as well. Somebody ask the jews how they do it.
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