atilla said:
yes but to be able to rank mıdeast armed forces we also have to consıder theır defence ındustrıes yes we are all rankıng Egypt fırst as an strongest arab army but what ıf they wont be able to use western equıpment ın terms of hot clash ? so defence ındustry ıs also ımportant ıf we are goıng to rank them
The strength of a nation's defence industry only plays a part in the boosting of a nation's ability to swell the armed forces prior to going to war or the maintenance/replacement of equipment without using foreign sources. If a nation cannot do that on it's own, but instead is able to afford to purchase what it needs, then the advantages gained from a local defence industry are lost. Granted, a defence industry is needed if other nations refuse to sell needed arms, for the most part this is only an issue if the embargo is for a prolonged period of time and/or the conflict is not resolved quickly.
For very hot, intense clashes, as are usually seen now, they tend to resolve themselves quickly, before output from industry can make a contribution. For lower intensity conflicts, the engagements are not usually the sort where industrial output makes a difference. Aside from ammunition of course.
By way of illustration:
Country A has 400 Tier 1 tanks (M1, LeClerc, Leo 2,Challenger 2, etc.) and can build an additional 6 per month.
Country B has 500 Tier 1 tanks but has to buy replacements.
Country B is stronger, because it has more at the start of the conflict. Now if Country A was given more time to assemble tanks, or if for some reason Country B isn't able to establish a significant advantage, then Country A might gain the upper hand over time by being able to build up additional forces during the conflict.