I have being doing a few sums.
I took the basic numbers from here:-
First the RPG
The grenade is propelled from the launcher by a charge and very soon the main rocket motor fires. I have ignored this small time. From the link below (and other sources) the maximum velocity is 295m/s. I have assumed that this occurs just before the rocket motor shuts off.
Aerodynamically this is a complex situation. After boost the projectile is continuously slowing down due to drag, but the drag is proportional the square of the velocity.
I will not bore you with the sums but I have considered three basic scenarios each assuming a different motor burn time 2s, 1s & 0.5s. (The projectile would pull 15g, 30g & 60g respectively). I have assumed representative levels of drag resulting in retarding forces from 10m/s2 down to 3m/s2 depending on velocity.
The 1s & 0.5s cases give the best results predicting a maximum horizontal range of about 1,200m, which is cut short by the self-detonation of the warhead by the fuse after 4.5s at around 920m. At 500m the projectile is still travelling at 210-220m/s, but slowing quickly. (2.25 – 2.5s after launch).
When fired vertically gravity will slow the acceleration and the missile will not attain the maximum speed achievable in horizontal flight. (Max velocity in vertical flight 285m/s [1 sec burn], 290m/s [0.5s burn]). At 500m the projectile is travelling about 20m/s slower than in the horizontal case. After 4.5s the warhead self-distructs at an altitude of about 800m, but the velocity has fallen to 100-120m/s (40m/s slower than the horizontal case).
F-16 Straight & Level Flying over firing position
A F-16 flying at an altitude of 300m at a speed 300kts (155m/s) would be an extremely difficult target to hit. At this relatively close range the angular rates would be extremely high and calculating the required lead angle would be almost impossible.
However, if the warhead is allowed to self-detonate, a hit may not be necessary to hit the target to kill it.
In addition to the anti-tank warheads the OG-7V version has a small fragmentation warhead (2kg) designed as an anti-personnel weapon, which has a maximum effective area against people wearing body armour of 150m. The TBG-7V version has a thermobaric warhead and a kill range of 10m and like the other AT varients should be considered as a hit to kill weapon.
So we have the F-16 flying at 300m and a missile with a maximum range of 800m. If the aircraft flew straight and level it would be exposed for 740m each side of the overhead, about 1,500m, so at 155m/s about 10s. In the head on case in order to hit the target the weapon would have to be launched with the target at about 12deg elevation and the weapon pointed at 21deg elevation giving a lead angle of 9deg. Allowing the target to fly past the overhead by 10deg hence an elevation of 80deg the weapon would have to be launched at about 20 deg elevation, a massive 60deg lead angle.
Launcher offset from F-16 Track
Rather than sit underneath the flight path it is better to set-up about 600m off track. This would allow a sector about 435m either side of the direct overhead to be covered. The weapon would be pointed within the +30/-30deg sector with an elevation of about 20deg. As before the approaching target would require less lead than the departing target, but as before can be calculated form the point where the target will be 4.5s prior to launch. However the sightline rate would be huge.
Assuming the OG-7V is being used and that an F-16 can be brought down with the small fragmentation warhead at 150m, this would extend the exposure to a line about 1,200m long leaving the fighter exposed for about 7.5s. Of course then we have to consider the vertical dimension as well, the volume of exposure would a horizontal cylinder 830m long with hemispherical caps.
F-16 not straight & level
But no pilot is going to fly straight and level in combat at low level.
So we will assume that the aircraft is pulling a 3g loop, velocity constant with a low point at 300m. The safe height at each end is 800m. (If you wan to do the sums remember that the acceleration along the radius of the circle a = the velocity at a tangent to the circle squared divided by the radius of the circle).
It turns out that the horizontal distance travelled is 737m before and after the low point. The exposure time is 9.7s.
A real strafing pass would not follow the path of a loop; the dive in would be steeper, with a pull up prior to firing, a level section during the burst 1-3s and a steeper pull-up.
If we repeat the above with a vertical dive entry a 9g pull level aiming and firing 3s, and 9g pull-up the results are very similar. Time below 800m slant range, 9.5s, distance along track 1,000m. (This would be reduced pro-rata by reducing the burst length).
I would be surprised if the duration and length of the portion below 800m is much different from the above rough calculations.
So What?
A F-16 engaged in a staffing run, it would be within range of an RPG with a maximum range of 800m for a considerable period of time, much longer than most pilots would expect about 10s.
Many factors make an attack on such a target a difficult proposition: - the short period of notice, high angle rates and the large lead angles required etc.
However, if the anti-personnel fragmentation warhead were used and allowed to self detonate at around 800m, within the 150m radius body armour penetration zone it is likely that an aircraft would be damaged. To destroy an aircraft normally would require a 10kg warhead to detonate within 50m for a high probability of a kill.
The odds of a kill would be increased if multiple RPGs were fired.
In my opinion a very lucky shot with an RPG could have brought down the F-16, but it is extremely improbable.
The most likely cause of the loss of this aircraft is mechanical failure or an attack by a MANPADS missile.
So way say a luck shot with an RPG?
Again in my opinion, because currently the fast movers only defence against MANPDS is flares, at present no DIRCM, so why admit a vulnerability?