If it's so, why they are so high, big and dont have ERA?It is a generalisation because western tanks are designed for survivability.
You can wonder, but the T-72/T-90 A-Loader keeps the most of its amunition also in horizontal position, as it is pictured on the pic 1. Also the contemporal model of T-90 keep the remain round stock in fire-proof canisters.The Leoaprd 2 and Leclerc may have ammunition stored in a carousel (horizontal axis) but its in the most heavily armoured part of the tank, the glacis with strong side armour. Unlike the T-64-90 tanks where its in the middle and quite vulnerable to lateral fires.
By the way, T-90/T-80's much better resisted against fire than to say Abrams. In 1996 after Chechen-I campany the demonstrative trials for TV and press were done in Russia. Then many rumors were going here and there about alegedly vulnerability of the Russians tank in Chechenya. Indeed the tanks kept 5 or more RPGs from all sides before stoped to function. You can see the TV pictures and the story about this trials here: http://www.otvaga2004.narod.ru/otvaga2004/caleidoscope/0_tank_04.htm
Then the tank T-80 was hit 3 times by MG launched HEAT of another tank. No penetration was there. After one hit, the fuel storage vas blown, but after the fuel has been burnt out, the tank was driven like nothing happen. You can see it on the pic 2-3.
BTW in such case Abrams should became a fire brand (pic 4), and the famose Merkava just poped-up.