Only when sitting on level ground. Which is the front profile for an advancing or retreating tank but not a western tank in the primarily tactical position, on the reserve slope. If you actually put a high depression tank (-10 deg) or one designed for the reserves slope like the S-Tank or Merkava on the ground angle it will be on behind any type of fold in the ground you will find the turret profile is much less. This is why the Merkava has the wedge shaped turret gradually rising. It’s a 3m high tank but on a reverse slope you will only have a few cm exposed above the gun barrel.
This is tactical nonsense – or maybe just the way the Soviets trained to fight? In western armies tankers are trained to find the reserves slope position to fire from, be it in defence or in firing in support of an attack. The Merkava turret is designed entirely from the perspective of being in a reverse slope position.
You can train all you want - but tank MUST move between your so called "unprepared positions in reverse slope what also make difference between 6% and 9-10% depression". See how NARROW such case? Moreover, tank what DONT move is easy prey... and dont tell me it isnt becouse only few pages before you talked about allmightly artillery and aviation what will kill anything standing even on PREPARED postion. How you want to attack/change position? How you will defend without mobility? Again, you case is very isolotated. It is BEST IDEAL case - but also most unlikely case no matter how well trained are the tankers. And if western tankers want to achieve anything meaningfull while STATICALY DEFENDING only... and even STATICALY DEFENDING ON REVERSE SLOPES only... i'll say LOL. They already lost in such case.
As for 3m... ya, it is true IF you find suitable cover. But if not? Most plains have about 1m ground cover, and anything above 1m IS exposed. It easy to see how much advantage give lower siluette to T-xx series in average case.
You can cling to this supposition as much as you want but it’s not the way we are trained to, will and have fought. The reverse slope IS the primary un-prepared fighting position of a western tank force. Our tanks are designed for it and even the latest tank the Korean K2 ‘Black Panther’ adds a height adjustable suspension that even increases reverse slope protection by allowing for higher slope angles to be utilised.
As i said, you can train all you want but reality is something different.
Crap. No way the composite armour on the T-64-90 is chronologically equal to those in the west.
You sure know what T-xx series PIONEERED composite armor? What they have composite armore DECADES before western tanks? What T-64B/ T80U/T80UD composite armor gave BETTER protection than counterporary M1/M1A1/Leo tanks? It is not a secret now, you know...
Which is a great problem for the Leopard 2 but not the M1A1/A2, CR2, Merkava Mk 3/4 which either have all combustible ammunition compartmentalised or stored in armoured bins or individual containers. The T-64-90 tanks even go so far as to having the turret crew sit on the ammunition and have spare sections strapped to surfaces behind their heads!
This is sure one of T-xx problem, just not generalize it over West vs East.
This is why T-72s after penetration have a very high frequency of catastrophic detonation. There are have been plenty of M1A1/A2, CR2, Merkava Mk 3/4 penetrated by the enemy but no catastrophic detonations, none causing crew deaths. The tanks and their crews are returned to action after being knocked out whereas the T-72s became funeral pyres.
There was rather few "catastrophic detonation" on t-72 series. Sure, they have much higher chance than M1xx series. But most so-called "catastrophic detonation" on t-72 series are just regular fire burn-out, which also happend pretty often with M1xx and Mercava series after penetration.
Ahh ERA? Who developed that? Actually it was the Germans – and the Israelis were the first to field it… How many T-64-90s have actually being delivered to users with APS? And from what time? In the 1970s? When the west had Chobham armour tanks and the Soviets were resorting to filling pockets in the cast steel turrets with Styrofoam hoping it would keep a 66mm HEAT rocket out? Even then most of the factories didn’t have the Styrofoam so just delivered the tanks with empty armour pockets…
It was russian. It is undediable. Well documented, etc/ Experemental works started as early as in 20x, more or less matured in 60x. Wasnt fielded due to all common fears of "explosives on the tank armor", infanty injures, etc. Israel first fielded it - after that the resistance of soviet generals was broken and ERA got in service less than HALF year after Israel used it. More advanced ERA than Israel ones.
Chobham armor, etc... now the RHA armor estimates of M1 and M1A1 with so-called Chobham armor are pretty well known. They was worse protected than counterporary T-64B/T-80B/T-80UD. As for tanks with empty pockets... well, nonsense. Again, let me remind you - USSR used composite armor DECADES before M1.
Not quite. The battle for air supremacy is primarily fought in the electronic spectrum and the lack of serious investment in the past 15 years and computing power has lead to a serious shortfall in the Russian systems ability to even come close to challenging those of the west. When one loses air superiority then one loses the capacity to lay down systematic artillery barrages as was seen with Hezbollah shooting individual 107mm rockets from within bushes – nice terror tactics but woeful and non existent suppression of the IDF.
We are not speaking about CURRENT situation in Russia aviation. Still i must point out what russian radars and SAM network are at least as good as NATO ones. NATO aviation datalink get superior only 5-6 years ago - before they was inferior or absent at all. And even that superior datalink is not THAT suprior. S-300/S-400 serie is for sure superior to PAC-2/PAC-3 serie, and have numerical superiority. West have nothing like "Grad", "Smerch", "Iskander" - at least not to same scale. Russian artillery is STILL best in the world. Now, what else you want? And USA reliance to GPS weapon... especeally in case of war with Russia.. LOL.
If Russia is going to resort to nuclear weapons it will get more than it can take back on its own cities. While nuclear weapons will mean the US and Russia will never go to war on the scale of WW2/GPW it doesn’t stop proxy wars or other engagements in which these weapons will get a work out.
Now, you want me convince what Russia cant win a war with a whole world? Sure, it cant. But not becouse some T-xx series defeciency, or bad aviation. Numbers - whats why such win is impossible.
From a minor sense and a macro sense the west currently has significant to total military technical supremacy.
As i said, military supremacy mainly cuz of pure superior numbers, not military technic superiority.
I also doubt the Russian’s have maintained their superiority in the practice of operational art allowing them to conduct stunning manoeuvres that confound slower moving and more predictable western militaries.
Russian trained for such warfare, so why not? I can also doubt what NATO armies can "conduct slower moving and more predictable manouvering" in real war///