If Iran did try anything against a coalition aircraft, they would regret the move quickly.
Why would Iranian aircraft attempt to engage coalition aircraft; given that Iran and the West share the same enemy [the West also shares the same enemy as Assad but we won't get into that] and the same geopotical concerns? It might not be mentioned openly, but the West is more than happy for Iran to get involved in helping Iraq battle ISIS. Notice how there were no statements by the State Department or the White House spokesman which expressed ''
concern'' when reports emerged that Pasdaran elements had entered Iraq to assist their Shiia brethren?
Given that Iran is a major player in the region, continuing to isolate Iran, to keep it out of Iraq [as was the previous case] and not to engage with it over matters of shared concerns, would be toomfoolery.
The US has a new friend in the region: Iran - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
and we all know how it ended.
And if it hadn't been for a loan by the Shah, to Grumman at a time when Congress had cut funding, the F-14 might never have entered production. Ironic isn't it, given how relations between the post-Shah Iran and the U.S later turned out.
When it comes to dealing with the threat posed by Sunni groups like ISIS; does the West need ''behind the scenes diplomacy/cooperation'' with Iran more or vice versa?
Who's actually turning out to be more of a ''ally'' in the war against ISIS and groups like it: Western ''allies'' like Saudi, Bahrain, Qatar, etc. or Iran?