@CB90 I was responding to the pitch of a CVL that would be derived from the QE class or akin their in as in a dedicated design medium sized Catbar carrier of 65-70,000 tons. That would in theory replace a CVN.
This in my opinion wouldn’t meet the needs of growth of factor into a pacific fight vs Air denial. Which would likely demand an expanded air wing of Manned escort/Intercept aircraft (F35C F/A18E/F F/A-XX) Tanker/ISR/augmented AEW (MQ25), CSAR/COD (CMV22), ASW support, Electronic warfare (E/A18G), AEW(E2D), and unmanned platforms. In particular an unmanned flying wing low observable with aspects like the X47C was supposed to be but with a mission closer to the old A5 Vigilante a Naval Bomber.
Strikes and other support missions would still need that sortie rate to get those platforms into the sky, the size to house and repair them to.
That’s why I don’t feel a “CVL Medium” is right for the USN. Farther I add that given the issues the USN has with maintenance and upkeep of existing types and the number of available yards as well as the size question it doesn’t in my opinion make sense. Particularly since last I saw the USN already has orders for the first 6 Fords.
This said I actually agree with what you are talking about here. IMO the USN should buy more LHA America class in the same configuration or similar to the America and Tripoli. That is no well deck expanded aviation. To augment and support. Basically making the America class a CVE. It’s air wing is limited to be sure optimally something like a dozen F35B, MV22 to serve as CSAR/COD/Tanker (in a pinch), V247 Vigilance for ISR/ASW/AEW light. Which is basically what Adm Harris said.https://seapowermagazine.org/light-carrier-concept-not-compelling-navys-air-warfare-director-says/