The mess that Iraq is today is solely caused by the ridiculous perceptions of the leaders who took us into there in the first place.
This is mostly in response to Dave and swerve.
Blame whatever you want, at the end of the day Iran committed what is legally, by international law and law of the sea, an act of war, and has decided to violate the Geneva conventions to do as they please to your countrymen. If someone thinks blaming western imperialism holds legitimacy in any aspect of a defense of what Iran did, or holds legitimacy in explanation, I would disagree by pointing out you are simply making excuses for blatant acts of aggression against you because there are no easy solution to the problem.
Ask yourself a serious question, does some Iranian's 'perception of Western leadership' legitimately justify that behavior, or even legitimately explain it? I read a lot about how complicated politics in Iran are, and read a common theme that if we just understood how complicated the politics of Iran are then we would understand what and why all this is happening.
I guess we are reading the same thing and coming to different conclusions, because the more I read about Iranian politics the more I learn how important it is to avoid being caught up in it, and the first step is protecting yourself and not giving Iran an opportunity to make western troops a puppet in their show.
After thinking about it, I wonder how important it is to understand how complicated the political situation in Iran is, because understanding a country has political problems so big they can't control themselves to the point they casually break international law certainly doesn't make the situation better, in fact it highlights how much worse it is probably going to get. In fact it highlights how rediculous it is to think ignoring Iran's threats and behavior is some sort of credible solution that is in some way a road to a peaceful political solution on any number of topics.
This incident isn't some sovereignty dispute over nuclear technology, this action is a clear violation of international law, basically a blackmail scenario in which Iran is telling the Brits you can't do anything and should sit and take it. All 15 sailors were performing a UN authorized mission intended to keep illegal activity out of the Persian Gulf, and no entity in Iran, no matter how much political control they do or do not have is unaware of that fact. If this was the only clear violation of international law conducted by Iran, an obvious random act of national interest, I think latitude and understanding might be in order, but this follows a great deal of illegal arms smuggling into Iraq and Lebanon with the sole intention to kill people. I guess we should casually ignore that all of this adds up to belligerent behavior with no peaceful intentions for the region, because according to the historical evidence presented regarding the injustices of westerners under imperialism in the past, it is only westerners throughout history that act that way.
I don't carry the guilt some you do about the actions of western nations taken in the past. I don't carry the guilt of imperialism nor do I carry the guilt of living in a prosperous and successful nation, even if it is far from perfect. At the end of the day Iran is the one acting belligerently and no amount of history justifies a behavior that takes those men hostage, men acting under the authorization of the UN, in accordance with the established law of the human race at sea, and in the waterways identified and recognized under the UN mandate as Iraqi territory.
Whatever the points about complicated Iranian politics and IRA support and mistakes in Iraq were designed to make, it has nothing to do with this situation, and it comes off as just a pile of excuses intended to make that uncomfortable Iranian boot in the UK backside feel less painful.